
Marketing Strategies of the Telecommunication Companies in Liberia

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Код 503118
Дата создания 2020
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There have been rapid advances in technology that is leading to the use of computer, Internet, cell phone, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and video viewing such as YouTube; and new devices such as compact cameras, electronic book readers, iPads, and others are bound to make the world a global village. These developments have introduced a whole online world where we get abundant information about any competing products and can order many of them online, resulting in the reduction of the role of sales people and certain retailers. While expanding the ability of consumers to talk with each other and influence each other on brand choice.


Introduction .............................................................................................. ……….3

1 Theoretical aspects of marketing strategies ………………………………………….8

1.1 Theoretical concepts of marketing strategies …………………….………..…....8

1.2 Marketing strategies classification………………………………….…….….... 14

1.3 Specific of marketing strategies in the telecommunication industry……………28

2 Methodological approaches to the marketing strategies management

in the telecommunication industry ..……………………………………………..…36

2.1 Methodological approaches to development of the marketing strategies………36

2.2 Methods for analysis and efficiency estimation of the marketing strategies…...44

2.3 New methods for marketing strategies management in the telecommunication industry ……………..59

3 Improving the marketing strategies in the telecommunication industry in Liberia....68

3.1 The comparative analysis of marketing strategies in Orange S.A and MTN…...68

3.2 Assessment of marketing strategies management in Orange S.A and MTN in Liberia………………....80

3.3 The ways to improve marketing strategies in Orange and MTN and the efficiency of the proposed measures …..98

Conclusion.................................................................................................. …….104



Список литературы

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