
Английский язык Практическое занятие 1. Задания 1-6 НСПК

Рекомендуемая категория для самостоятельной подготовки:
Контрольная работа*
Код 501618
Дата создания 2022
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Оценка 30,00 из 30,00 (100%)

Вопрос 1

Подберите антонимы из списка:

1. to lend - to 

2. to vanish - to 

3. to remember - to 

4. to hurry - to 

5. to detest - to 

6. to insult - to 

7. to sell - to 

8. to depart – to 

Вопрос 2

Подберите слово, максимально подходящее по смыслу.

1. A bed on board a ship is called a  .

2. I have no brothers or sisters. I am  child.

3. I’m terribly sorry, I seem to have  my book at home.

4. My sister and I are always quarrelling. We just don’t seem to  .

5. Most parents find it difficult to  their children nowadays.

6. I  to inform you that your mother died ten minutes ago.

7. I think everyone should  the Human Rights movement.

8. I only paid £3 for this dress. It was a real  .

Вопрос 3

Вставьте пропущенные слова, выбирая между Future Continuous и Future Simple.

1. Run to the lake, princess. Your loyal men  for you with a boat.

2. They  you to our allies.

3. But what  to the city?

4. We have been betrayed. Our defense  shortly.

5. The enemy  the city all night. You must run for your life.

6. You  with me, sir Alfred?

7. No, I  here. Someone is coming.

8. I them  , until you are safe.

9. I never  you.

Вопрос 4

Выберите между артиклем the, артиклем a\an и нулевым артиклем. Если артикль нулевой – выберите пропуск (-).

1.You have  hour to finish your essay.

2.  year has passed but his business still has same problem.

3. We have  lot in common.

4. What do you want to buy? We've got  sugar,  oil,  sack of rice,  few magazines.

5. I agree that  knowledge is power but  proverb is not about  knowledge of all seasons of  «Simpsons». an a a - - a a -

Вопрос 5

Заполните таблицу, распределив корректно типы времён, использованных в примерах в колонке справа.

Время (Tense) / Примеры (Examples)

 She has lived in London for five years. 

You said you were at the party last Sunday.

 Jane loves cakes and hates broccoli.

 I have been waiting for you all day!

 I had warned you many times but you didn’t listen.


Вопрос 3

Вставьте пропущенные слова, выбирая между Future Continuous и Future Simple.

1. Run to the lake, princess. Your loyal men  for you with a boat.

2. They  you to our allies.

3. But what  to the city?

4. We have been betrayed. Our defense  shortly.

5. The enemy  the city all night. You must run for your life.

6. You  with me, sir Alfred?

7. No, I  here. Someone is coming.

8. I them  , until you are safe.

9. I never  you.

Вопрос 4

Выберите между артиклем the, артиклем a\an и нулевым артиклем. Если артикль нулевой – выберите пропуск (-).

1.You have  hour to finish your essay.

2.  year has passed but his business still has same problem.

3. We have  lot in common.

4. What do you want to buy? We've got  sugar,  oil,  sack of rice,  few magazines.

5. I agree that  knowledge is power but  proverb is not about  knowledge of all seasons of  «Simpsons». an a a - - a a -

Вопрос 5

Заполните таблицу, распределив корректно типы времён, использованных в примерах в колонке справа.

Время (Tense) / Примеры (Examples)

 She has lived in London for five years. 

You said you were at the party last Sunday.

 Jane loves cakes and hates broccoli.

 I have been waiting for you all day!

 I had warned you many times but you didn’t listen.

Оценка 30,00 из 30,00 (100%)

Вопрос 1

Подберите антонимы из списка:

1. to lend - to 

2. to vanish - to 

3. to remember - to 

4. to hurry - to 

5. to detest - to 

6. to insult - to 

7. to sell - to 

8. to depart – to 

Вопрос 2

Подберите слово, максимально подходящее по смыслу.

1. A bed on board a ship is called a  .

2. I have no brothers or sisters. I am  child.

3. I’m terribly sorry, I seem to have  my book at home.

4. My sister and I are always quarrelling. We just don’t seem to  .

5. Most parents find it difficult to  their children nowadays.

6. I  to inform you that your mother died ten minutes ago.

7. I think everyone should  the Human Rights movement.

8. I only paid £3 for this dress. It was a real  .

Вопрос 3

Вставьте пропущенные слова, выбирая между Future Continuous и Future Simple.

1. Run to the lake, princess. Your loyal men  for you with a boat.

2. They  you to our allies.

3. But what  to the city?

4. We have been betrayed. Our defense  shortly.

5. The enemy  the city all night. You must run for your life.

6. You  with me, sir Alfred?

7. No, I  here. Someone is coming.

8. I them  , until you are safe.

9. I never  you.

Вопрос 4

Выберите между артиклем the, артиклем a\an и нулевым артиклем. Если артикль нулевой – выберите пропуск (-).

1.You have  hour to finish your essay.

2.  year has passed but his business still has same problem.

3. We have  lot in common.

4. What do you want to buy? We've got  sugar,  oil,  sack of rice,  few magazines.

5. I agree that  knowledge is power but  proverb is not about  knowledge of all seasons of  «Simpsons». an a a - - a a -

Вопрос 5

Заполните таблицу, распределив корректно типы времён, использованных в примерах в колонке справа.

Время (Tense) / Примеры (Examples)

 She has lived in London for five years. 

You said you were at the party last Sunday.

 Jane loves cakes and hates broccoli.

 I have been waiting for you all day!

 I had warned you many times but you didn’t listen.

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