
Where are the limits of EU enlargement?

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Secondly, the Brexit problem retains its impact on all aspects of the integration movement, especially since it develops against the background of a slowdown in the economic growth of the integration group and the persistence of problems in the eurozone. In addition to the financial problems associated with the exit from the EU of one of the largest economies, Brexit marked a turn to the ideas of nationalism, the priority of national interests and state sovereignty. This also entails undermining the positive image that the EU has been wearing for so long.
Thirdly, the inclusion of new states in the integration process, with rare exceptions, did not lead to an economic breakthrough in these countries and showed that not only the "new" but also the "old" EU member states cannot cope with the growing volume of various problems, among which The problem of migration and integration of newly arrived immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East remains.


In this composition, the EU showed stable growth and its prospects did not cause any doubts. Moreover, in the 1990s. the EU had no competitors in Eurasia, which allowed it to quickly consolidate its economic position, create a positive image and even get the recognition of the most successful integration organization in the world from researchers.

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The European Union was created to put an end to frequent wars between neighbors, culminating in World War II. Since 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community has begun to unite European countries economically and politically to ensure lasting peace. The six founding countries are Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. In 1992, in the city of Maastricht (Netherlands), an agreement was signed on the formation of the European Union. According to the agreement, the EU was established on the basis of the European Communities, supplemented by a common foreign and security policy and cooperation in the field of justice and internal affairs.

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