
Extreme Sports

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Код 440042
Дата создания 2020
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Nowadays extreme sports are growing in popularity. Such popularity is due to marketing trends. There are a lot of magazines and websites about extreme sports. Special equipment and gear for extreme sports continue to abound in the shops. Contemporary men and women are more willing to risk their lives than those of previous generations. Every year more and more people are interested in extreme sports and take active part in them. People of all ages find these activities entertaining, so they spend a lot of time paragliding, going up mountains or swimming with sharks.
Yet most risk takers are men, especially young ones. They are likely to take risks. Probably they want to look like courageous or strong guys, or they just don't think twice about danger. They like going to extremes and talking about their new experiences with friends of theirs.
There are also other reasons why people take risks and choose extreme pastimes.
Doing extreme sports teaches us to overcome difficulties and also how to survive in an emergency. It is known that extreme sports help to build character and form a strong personality. They help to increase willpower and persistence. People learn not to lose control, develop patience and get rid of their fears. When we risk, we learn how to use our head at first, and act only after thinking.


When we think of extreme sports, the first thing that comes to our mind is danger. Indeed, extreme sports mean certain activities which have a high level of danger and give a feeling of an adrenaline rush. They involve the risk of death or a serious injury if the sports performance is made in improper, reckless or negligent way. That’s why most types of extreme sports require proper training, while other types can be performed without professional guidance. These nontraditional activities also require brevity to dare and try yourself out.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Эссе (топик) по английскому языку на тему "Extreme sports" (3 страницы, 1152 слова). Оригинальность 95%.

В эссе даны ответы на следующие вопросы:
What is extreme sport?
What in your opinion makes people take risks?
Are contemporary men and women more willing to risk their lives than people of the previous centuries?
How far can risk-taking go?
What kinds of extreme sport do you know?
Do you do any extreme sport?
Which one would you like to try? Why?
Describe an occasion when you experienced a rush of adrenaline.

Список литературы

Cambridge Dictionary
Macmillan Dictionary
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