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Код 402529
Дата создания 2018
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The continuation of the maternity capital program is again in question: on March 23, at a round table in the State Duma, a proposal was discussed to replace it with increased children's allowances and the issue of land plots to large families. Experts propose to look at foreign experience - in developed countries a wide range of measures is applied, from tax cuts to subsidies for rent and payment for nanny services. Reformers in the country still offer the simplest and straightest way of support: the distribution of benefits and gifts.


The American coffee shop chain Starbucks has announced that it will open its first store in Italy at the beginning of 2017.
Starbucks has always been very careful about opening shops in Europe, where drinking coffee has a big tradition. Especially Italy has long cultural and historical ties with coffee . It was first served in Venice where traders brought it from the Far East. In 1901 the first espresso machine was produced in Milan, the place where the first Starbucks is scheduled to open.

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Facebook says it aims to raise five billion dollars through its first public sale of stock. That would be one of the biggest initial public offerings ever. And it would be much bigger than Google’s first public stock sale in two thousand four. Facebook has more than eight hundred million users around the world. It represents the second most visited website after Google. Now, experts say the social media company is in a position to become one of the world’s most valuable Internet companies. Stock expert Anupam Palit at Greencrest Capital says that among social media sites, Facebook is in a class by itself.
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