
the concept of pronunciation norm in english

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Доклад на английском на тему: the concept of pronunciation norm in english ...


1. Pronunciation norms in English Language…………………………...5
2. Pronunciation norms of British English………………………………5
3. The Northern English Type of English Pronunciation………………7
4. The Scottish Type of English Pronunciation…………………………8
5. American English Pronunciation……………………………………..9


There exist numerous varieties of pronunciation in any language, the English language as well. The pronunciation of almost of every locality in the British Isles has peculiar features that distinguish it from the pronunciation of other localities. Besides, pronunciation is socially influenced. It reflects class distinctions, education and upbringing. The varieties that are spoken by a socially limited number of people and used only in certain localities are called dialects. There are therefore local dialects & social dialects. All these varieties have much more in common. They are varieties of one & the same language, the English language.

Список литературы

1. Леонтьева С.Ф. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка. - М.: Высшая школа, 1988.
2. Маковский М.М. Английская диалектология. Современные английские диалекты Великобритании. М., 1980
3. Швейцер А.Д. Социальная дифференциация в английском языке в США. - М., 1983.
4. Abluazizov A.A. English phonetics A theoretical course. 2-edition.Tashkent,
5. Alimardanov R.A. - Pronunciation theory of English, Tashkent, 2009.
6. Allen B.H., Linn M.D. Dialect and language variation, Orlando, 1986
7. Brook G.L. English Dialects, Oxford Un. Press, 1963
8. Brook G.L. Varieties of English, Lnd, 1977
9. Barber Ch. Linguistic Change in Present Day English. - London, 1964.
10. The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the English Language / David Crystal. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. - 489p.
11. Celce-Murcia M., Brinton D., Goodwin J. Teaching Pronunciation: A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 196. - 428p.
12. Coggle P. Do You Speak Estuary? - London: Bloomsbury, 1993.
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17. Esling J.H., Wong R.F. Voice Quality Settings and the Teaching of Pronunciation // TESOL Quarterly. - Alexandria, VA: TESOL, 1983. - Vol. 17. - No. 1. - P. 89-96.
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19. Gimson A.C. Jones and Standards of English Pronunciation // English Studies. - Vol. 58. - No. 2. - 1977. - P. 152-157.
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21. Gimson A.C. The Twentyman Lecture RP: Its Intelligibility and Acceptability // Modern Languages. - No. 62. - 1981.
22. Gimson A.C. Gimson’s Pronunciation of English. Sixth ed. / Revised by Alan Cruttenden. London, New York: Edward Arnold, 2001. - 339p.
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29. Shakhbagova D.A. Varieties of English Pronunciation. - M., 1982.
30. Trudgill P., Hannah J. International English: A Guide to varieties of Standard English. -- Third ed. - London, New York: Edward Arnold, 1994. - 156p.
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32. Trudgill P. Dialects in Contact, Oxford, 1986
33. Vassilyev, V. A. English Phonetics: A theoretical course. - Moscow: Higher School Publishing House, 1970. -P. 30-33.
34. Vrabel T. T., - Lectures in Theoretical Phonetics of the English language and method-guide for seminars - PoliPrint, Ungvar, 2009
35. Wells J. Accents of English. - Cambridge, London, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982. Books 1, 2, 3. - 685p.
36. Wells J. Whatever Happened to Received Pronunciation // Il Jornadas de Estudios Ingleses. - Universidad de Jaen, 1997. - P. 19-28.

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