
Yet each man kills the thing he loves

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670 слов. Мои мысли по поводу отрывка из стихотворения Oscar Wilde "Yet each man kills the thing he loves." Уровень оригинальности свыше 90% ...


How can love harm someone? We don’t have a concrete answer to this question. All we can do is assume that what we think is the right answer


Life is all about relationships with people. Any man who has mastered the divine skill of getting-on well with people is a ruler of their own life

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“The coward does it with a kiss, The brave man with a sword!” – Oscar WildeOscar Wilde also said “True friends stab you in the front” which means only true people that care for you can say things you are probably not going to like in your face. Fake friends always do bad things behind your back, but they kiss and hug when you see them. Oscar tried to say that only the bravest people can say heart-breaking truth to you just because they care about you and want you to be happy. I think that is the way it supposed to be. You got to reveal the “fakes” around you. Just stop for a second and think about all the flattering things people say just to benefit from you. Think about the people that trying hard to help you understand your weaknesses or maybe even helping you to fix them. How can love harm someone? We don’t have a concrete answer to this question. All we can do is assume that what we think is the right answer. As for me, I don’t think that love can be anywhere near to a word “harmful”. Love is all around us and it’s the main purpose of life itself. Yes, you cannot see it, but you can feel it. Sometimes we cry in tears because of love, but that is why it is so pure.

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