
State educational policy in post grade education: current situation, problems and prospects ( developed or developing countries as the example);

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Код 386613
Дата создания 2017
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New stage of reforming the system of education associated with the government giving this area priority in terms of creation of innovative economy, determines the relevance research approaches to the formation of the state educational policy of Russia.
The changing role of education in information societies, and its transformation into a factor of economic development of many countries put on the agenda the question of the relationship between state educational and social policy on the social and economic functions of education.
The study on the basis of econometric analysis reveal that a significant impact on the quality of education (estimated IMD World Competitiveness), provides a measure of public expenditure on education per capita per year.




Introduction 3
1. Principles of state educational policy in postgraduate education 6
1.1. Literature review 6
1.2. Mechanisms of state regulation of postgraduate education 7
2. Formation of research base 11
3. Building a regression model 16
Conclusion 20
Bibliography 21



In many countries the structure and funding basis of postgraduate education are undergoing tremendous changes. Methods for administering and directing postgraduate education are being transformed and individual universities and colleges are being asked to engage in new tasks and assume new responsibilities. Governments are simultaneously devolving more control over programmers and budgets to individual institutions while directly intervening in postgraduate education systems in order to ensure greater economic efficiency, quality of outcome, student access and accountability — the magic words of modern day postgraduate education policy-making. In this respect, an international trend can be observed in the changing relationship between the government and higher education, name ly: the trend for national governments to retain the prerogative to set broad policies, particularly budgetary ones, while increasingly transferring the responsibility for growth, innovation, and diversification in postgraduate education to individual institutions.
At the same time, however, it should be noted that change perceived in the above manner is not an integral feature of all postgraduate education systems.
Developments in postgraduate education in general and in postgraduate education policy in particular can be analyzed from a multitude of perspectives. A quick glance through the existing literature suffices to affirm this statement.
Regulation of the quality of education and implementation of measures for its development is part of the policy of any state. As one of the indicators of society indicator of the quality of education is influenced by many factors, timely analysis which allows you to adjust the effect on the intensity and direction of the development of various methods and means.
In addition, one of the strategic objectives of the state policy is to ensure the needs of the economy and social sphere in professional personnel of necessary qualification, practical orientation of educational programs, creation of conditions for development of continuous education.
These facts determined the research questions of this work:
1. What are the instruments of state regulation of postgraduate education are used in Russia?
2. As instruments of state regulation of postgraduate education affect the performance of science and education?
Object of study: public policy in the regulation of postgraduate education.
Subject of research: econometric methods of analysis to assess the quality of education in Russia.
The aim of the study was to assess the level of public administration education in Russia on the basis of econometric models.
Objectives of the study:
1. Perform analysis of existing works on public administration of postgraduate education.
2. To examine the tools of public administration postgraduate education in Russia.
3. To evaluate the impact of public management tools on the performance of post-graduate education in Russia.
To achieve this objective, the study used a set of scientific methods:
methods of scientific generalization, comparison, system analysis, to explore the contemporary state of public policy in the regulation of postgraduate education and analysis of existing research in this area.
This group of methods used for the selection of indicators public policy in the regulation of postgraduate education. The analysis period 2006-2015. The main sources of information are data of the Federal state statistics service and the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation.
econometric methods for the assessment of state regulation measures and indicators of postgraduate education. In particular, this study uses basic analysis based on descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis.
In pursuance of conducting an appropriate research, this study will use quantitative approach, as it is focused on analysing empirical evidence, which is expressed in numeric data. Another reason to use the quantitative approach is that it implies empirical evaluations.
The quantitative approach will allow:
accurately and in detail to formulate the research problem;
precise and clearly identify the independent and dependent variables in the research process;
follow the goals and objectives of the research, the possibility of obtaining more objective results to establish a causal connection;
eliminate and minimize subjective conclusions;
conduct lengthy, repetitive measurements.
Quantitative research method allowed us to obtain numerical data that brought us to the objectivity of the conclusions, a high level of reliability and accuracy.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

G. Kuhtina, A. Y. Savelyev, V. D. Shadrikova dedicated to education reform 90 years. Analyze these ideas of reforming education, as humanization and humanization of the education sector; innovation and experimentation; the introduction of new economic and administrative mechanisms; the variability of education.Along with General public policy issues in the field Patriotic education, the authors discuss its individual aspects. So, the processes of integration of Russian education system in international and European educational space are examined in the works of I. V. Arzhanova, V. M. Larionov, M. M. Lebedev, G. A. Lukichev, V. M. Filippov, V. N. Chistokhvalov.The problem of quality of higher professional education are considered in works of V. A. Bolotov, G. A. Borovskogo, E. N. GevorgyanG. N. Motova, N.. Selezneva.Strategic analysis of the development of modern higher education presented in the research of S. A. Belyakova, A. V. Volkov, Y. I. Kuzminov, V. Mau, I. M. Remorenko, I. D. Frumin, A. A. Fursenko.Mechanisms of state regulation of postgraduate educationIn developed countries, postgraduate education is on an equal footing with material production sector of the economy that makes a significant contribution to the increase in national income and wealth of society. Thus, education becomes a determining factor of social stability, national and economic security of the state because the education of the nation in the broad context is the source of its self-development, through the consolidation of society and national stability. Education is a complex organizational - economic system, and can also be considered as a branch of socio - economic activities. In this capacity, the education industry has become increasingly complex as the system is filled with new content, integrates other sectors of the economy, public institutions, international corporate enterprises.In the conditions of economy of knowledge as a productive force is science. The transition to a postindustrial society marked by the transformation of the market of services in the market of academic services, the Central place which belongs to universities. It is universities that combine fundamental research, education and innovation, become the key element in the development of knowledge-based economy.Among the unsolved problems that impede further development of science in universities and promotion in the European scientific and educational space today are:insufficient funding of research in universities, the uncertainty of the new principles of science funding and diversify its sources;restriction of the rights of universities to implement an independent financial and economic activities;low level of autonomy of the universities, combined with the need to develop a framework of partnerships with governmental, industrial, scientific and financial organizations;lack of mechanism to stimulate investment in the development of science enterprises of all forms of ownership;the absence of a mechanism of demand for R & d and infrastructure that is able to transform knowledge into technologies of mass production.In the field of postgraduate education, there is a lot of contradictions: between the many new socio - economic practices that are post-industrial in nature, and previous industrial forms of education; between the "internal" self-assessment of quality of vocational training and "external" evaluation of work of the system of postgraduate education; between the traditional "product" of education (trained contractor ) and requirements to competencies of graduates who are ready to work in the knowledge economy.Priority of postgraduate education is justified by two factors: graduate education increasingly contributes to economic growth and increase labour productivity; it is becoming increasingly apparent role of postgraduate education to increase incomes and living standards in General. A higher level of education opens for its owner more opportunities in the labour market and ensures higher earnings.Among the problems of postgraduate education are the following: the contents of postgraduate education remains overloaded, dysfunctional, divorced from the real needs of life; education can be described as socially unaddressed, as the government controls the education without the long-term, scientifically-based forecast training and the ratio of it with the needs of the labour market; there is no monitoring of education, not formed a complex socio-economic and qualitative indicators of work in the field of education; maintained a centralized system of control over the content of postgraduate education and continuing state intervention in the governance of higher education institutions; postgraduate education are among the most corrupt spheres.When talking about changes in the education system use the terms "transformation", "reform", "modernization," "liberalization" (table 1).Table 1 - Directions of changes in educationA key role of the stateLiberalizationPreventing and neutralizing the negative effects of market influences on educationTransformationThe formation of an effective system of postgraduate education in the transition from administrative - planned to a market economyReformMonitoring of postgraduate education and event planning to enhance its effectiveness, assessment of their resultsModernizationUpgrading the standards of education, integration of paid and free education, private and public schools, market mechanisms and the regulatory impact of state.Analysis and evaluation of overseas experience, the feasibility and the effectiveness of its implementation to improve the competitiveness of the national system of postgraduate education.Formation of research baseIn our opinion, the most important indicator reflecting the development of education in the country are:The quality of education.Public expenditure on education per capita per year.Total expenditure on research and development work.The percentage of illiterates among the population above 15 years.Information base of the research is based on Russian and foreign sources Agency of statistics of the countries and organizations which carry out regular surveys in the field of education.So on the basis of the Federal law "On official statistical accounting and state statistics system in the Russian Federation" and the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the regulations on the Federal service of state statistics", the Federal state statistics service (Rosstat) is a Federal Executive authority responsible for drafting state policy and legal regulation in the sphere of official statistical accounting, the formation of official statistical information about social, economic, demographic, ecological and other public processes in the Russian Federation.At the electronic resource hosted Rosstat data on such education indicators as:he number of educational institutions;number of students in educational institutions;expenditure on education in international comparison;coverage of education in international comparison.An indicator of the quality of education is the most informative and reflects the conformity of level of received knowledge to the demands of society (socialization of graduates), state (state standard), the consumer of educational services (educational content), the compliance of the conditions of education. This determines the relevance of its choice as the effective feature and the grounds for grouping countries around the world. In the Russian Federation monitoring of the quality of education is carried out by the Ministry of education and science with the involvement of non-governmental organizations. Additionally, this examination may be initiated by:public councils;teaching staff;parents and high school students.The results of such monitoring are analytical reports. In addition, this indicator has a numerical representation in the form of expert assessments on the resource of the Ministry of education.Thus, the study and analysis was formed by the array of input data (table 1).Table 1 - Basic dataYearThe quality of education (measured in points from 0 to 10)Public expenditure on education per capita per year (PPP), in USD.Total expenditure on research and development work , in % of GDPThe percentage of illiterates among the population above 15 years (%)20064,82124,21,540,9420074,65112,51,230,8920083,94132,41,721,0120093,75109,31,620,9220104,01129,31,23120113,78135,61,341,120123,56157,71,210,9820133,25193,41,14120143,29235,61,051,0220153,282671,071Perform analysis of descriptive statistics (table 2).Table 2 - Descriptive statisticsNMeanStd. DeviationSkewnessKurtosisStatisticStatisticStatisticStatisticStd. ErrorStatisticStd. ErrorThe quality of education (measured in points from 0 to 10)103,8330,54866,812,687-,2511,334Public expenditure on education per capita per year (PPP), in USD.10159,70054,45931,179,687,1711,334Total expenditure on research and development work , in % of GDP101,3150,23444,702,687-,8841,334The percentage of illiterates among the population above 15 years (%)10,9860,05873,187,687,7811,334Valid N (listwise)10To check the criterion Jarque-Bera use the fact that the normal distribution the coefficient of skewness is zero and kurtosis equal to 3, the deviation of these variables from normal values is a measure of deviation from normal distribution. The stat Jarque-Bera compare with the table value Pearson criterion at a significance level of 0.05 and number of degrees of freedom 3. This value is equal to 5,226.

Список литературы

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