
4D Branding

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Курсовая работа по теме 4D Брэндинг. Определение 4D Брэндинга, его суть и примеры.
Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University
Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade
Graduate School of business management technologies
Оценка 4


Thomas Gad invented his four-dimensional model, called 4D branding (D — dimensions) for the construction and analysis effectiveness of the brand. It can be used to create a new brand or to assess existing ones. In fact, this model of four dimensions allows companies to develop their own unique brand code, mental field of the brand, which will be relayed to consumers. Focusing on some of them, producers can activate the appropriate sphere of human existence.
1.1. Functional dimension.
The first of the four is functional dimension. Often a need for the development of the brand begins with the unique goods or service production and the benefits that it creates for the consumer. It is the foundation of the brand. This is perceived usefulness, isn’t necessarily the real use which an inventor or engineer meant but the one that the consumer directly perceives.
Everything is related to the physical quality, taste, style and efficiency falls in the functional category. The value of functional measurement depends on the brand’s position on the curve of its life cycle. The closer to the beginning the more important functional characteristics for the determination of the brand.
The functional dimension describes the unique characteristics of a product due to the perception of the product’s usefulness associated with the brand.
An example of such positioning can be Nokia Company. At some point the company decided to focus on the user-friendly interface, simple menu which each person could understand. Nokia has actually become associating with easiness of use by emphasizing one of the functions of their product.
1.2. Social dimension.
In the social dimension a trademark or logo is transformed into a symbol of the sect which ideally creates the brand. The brand often creates a cult around itself and becomes a sign of social distinction from the point of the social dimension’s view.
The vehicle of the symbol is easily recognizable and openly accepted by other members of the sect. If you see the running man with the same brand’s badge on the jacket or someone emerging from the same car as yours, you will feel that connection between you and that person.
The social dimension deals with the experience of the consumer as a user and shows opportunity to identify themselves as a member of a certain social group.
So initiative «I love Ukraine» from the Ukrainian mobile operator «Kyivstar» forming the Patriotic movement under the slogan «Share your love to Ukraine» and made the image of the national company that cares about the country


Branding is what turns common commodity to a well-known brand that has a value. And the consumers are willing to pay money for that value.
Brand in the era of changes isn’t only economic system but also philosophical and concerning the human and cultural values.
A piece of history. There were just soft drinks before Coca-Cola. There was just chocolate (and before chocolate just sweets) before Godiva. There was just coffee before Starbucks. There were just running shoes or athletic shoes Before Nike. But there was hidden undefined needs and desire «to be among the best, beat the rest». It was a real need that Nike has granted. That's why people buy Nike. They don’t just buy running shoes. They buy an emotional connection between themselves and the leading athletes promoting th is product during competitions. This connection allows them to feel like winners.
Chanel offers the best perfume in their advertising campaign. But in fact it offers to fulfill the desire to feel attractive and to smell attractive. It satisfies the needs to be liked and to be admired.
Ragu doesn’t sell just sauce for spaghetti. It sells convenience and comfort in a world where we often have to cope with the discomfort. The same can be said about Kellogg's, specializing in cereals. Gourmet sauces are also convenience, presented by phrase: «the ease which admits of no compromise in the quality and taste».

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1.1. Functional dimension.The first of the four is functional dimension. Often a need for the development of the brand begins with the unique goods or service production and the benefits that it creates for the consumer. It is the foundation of the brand. This is perceived usefulness, isn’t necessarily the real use which an inventor or engineer meant but the one that the consumer directly perceives. Everything is related to the physical quality, taste, style and efficiency falls in the functional category. The value of functional measurement depends on the brand’s position on the curve of its life cycle. The closer to the beginning the more important functional characteristics for the determination of the brand.The functional dimension describes the unique characteristics of a product dueto the perception of the product’s usefulness associated with the brand.An example of such positioning can be Nokia Company. At some point the company decided to focus on the user-friendly interface, simple menu which each person could understand. Nokia has actually become associating with easiness of use by emphasizing one of the functions of their product.1.2. Social dimension.In the social dimension a trademark or logo is transformed into a symbol of the sect which ideally creates the brand. The brand often creates a cult around itself and becomes a sign of social distinction from the point of the social dimension’s view.The vehicle of the symbol is easily recognizable and openly accepted by other members of the sect. If you see the running man with the same brand’s badge on the jacket or someone emerging from the same car as yours, you will feel that connection between you and that person. The social dimension deals with the experience of the consumer as a user and shows opportunity to identify themselves as a member of a certain social group.So initiative «I love Ukraine» from the Ukrainian mobile operator «Kyivstar» forming the Patriotic movement under the slogan «Share your love to Ukraine» and made the image of the national company that cares about the country 1.3. Mental dimension.The mental dimension reflects the relationship between the buyers and the social group to which they want to belong. The brand stands as a powerful identification tool in the opinion of other people. It is not about what people think about you but only about what you think about yourself.Anyone needs life and behavior role model. The brand’s mental dimension serves this purpose. Life experience forms the personality, reactions and behavior from early childhood to the present time. Sometimes it leads to low self esteem in certain ways. Assistance in changing mental conceptions of themselves are very important to people and it gives the great opportunity to the constructor of the brand.We get the personal pleasure from knowing that we have something special. It plays an important role in the construction of the brand. So begins the rise of the most exclusive brands.Mental dimension affects people, forms new values in the minds of consumers.For example, an expensive and high-quality car increases self-esteem. So Rolls-Royce may sell self-confidence for a lot of money.1.4. Spiritual dimension.«The spiritual dimension» sounds almost religious. (In Sweden many people are suspicious to religion, so sometimes instead the term «spiritual dimension» is used the word «idealistic».) Spiritual dimension refers to a large system in which we all are. If you understand the spiritual you will understand the connection between brand, product or company and this wider system. According to Jerry Greenfield, one of the founders of Ben & Jerry: «When you directly and loudly express your great ideals, you become a target for criticism, and it will come soon. You want your idea to help you keeping at the high standards’ level. The danger is that you begin to fear shots. This is the worst thing that can happen to you».Spiritual dimension summarizes the values behind the brand. It refers to the consumers’ beliefs and sets them on a local or global responsibility.The good example is a mineral water «Morshynska». The creators of the brand focus on the fact that each person throughout the working day need to update charging for a good appearance and productive activities. Thus, they propose to solve the problem in a specific way — drink water, cool of and gain strength The brand can’t adapt to the requirements of all of these groups, it isn’t a chameleon. The purpose is creation a very clear unique brand. To achieve this purpose we have to provide the brand a very clear brand code. 2. BRAND CODEThe author offers to provide very clear brand code to create a very clear unique brand. The brand code is the expression that your company or product embodies. It tells the story of your company. This is a business idea, positioning, vision and mission in one package.The author sees the brand’s shell (it is shown on the picture 5) in the following form: the сore is the main idea of the brand code. Cope is surrounded by a mental field in its four dimensions framed six component parts of a Brand code («Product», «Positioning» and «Style» are based on the current situation of the brand in the market. «Mission», «Vision» and «Values» affect the future aspects of the brand). Picture 5 – Brand code modelTurning to the management of brands, Thomas Gad advised to follow three rules:Never involve in brand code decision making the all staff. The brand code is the product of a very small group’s of people creativity. They decide what will be the symbolic content of the brand and bring it to the attention of the whole organization. Give employees the freedom to interpret the Brand code. Involve creative and enterprising people in this process. With their help continually pass and rethink Brand code through new products, new business ideas and new words. Carefully monitor the brand. In any time you may quickly corrected some expressions of the brand or reminded of the Brand code and supported some initiatives. 3. EXAMPLES OF BRAND WARS3.1.

Список литературы

1. 4D Branding: Cracking the Corporate Code of the Network Economy. Thomas Gad
2. URL: http://www.visa.com.ru/ru/ru-ru/index.shtml - Official website of Visa company.
4. URL: http://www.nokia.com/ru_int – Official website of Nokia company.
5. URL: https://kyivstar.ua/uk/mm – Official website of Kievstar company.
6. URL: https://www.rolls-roycemotorcars.com/en-GB/home.html – Official website of Rolls-Royce company.
7. URL: http://www.morshinska.ua/– Official website of Morshinska water company.
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