
The critical business of corruption

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Дата создания 08 апреля 2013
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The critical business of corruption

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Historically geography played an important role in facilitating and justifying political and economic power during the early period of the evolution of the global capitalist system, as it is claimed in Forbes, 1984. In more recent times business studies had a similar part in servicing the needs of the corporations that played a central role within the spread of neo-liberal globalization. But it does not mean that geographers know how to consolidate a disciplinary position for critical perspectives. Critical academics believe that establishing of cross-disciplinary research and communication and which is more important reaching out to diverse activist communities can radically transform the process of knowing in the disciplines.
Establishment of such journals as “Antipode” in the 1970s, “Society and Space” in the 1980s developed a more critical tradition in geography. And the emergence of CPOIB was of a great value in strengthening of critical reflection in management and business studies.
Both critical geographical and critical management define two fundamental traits in the term ‘critical’. The first is a disapproval of the whole state of the world, namely overcoming exploitation and marginalization, and knowing the world in its geographical differences (local and global) gives a key to confronting political power. The second sense of the term ‘critical’ is related to the conducting of the actual research itself. Critical research is a research that is self-reflective and self-critical. Critical research is sensitive to issues of identity, representation and personal politics.
Critical management studies are based on a critique of praxis of management studies.
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