
Strategic Human Resource Management

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Strategic Human Resource Management



Strategic Human Resource Management

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

SHRM is considering such concepts as the concept of human resource management, the concept of strategy and the concept of strategic human resource management. It is much more important., However, the ability to apply theory to practice, so that SHRM is a practical guide to action.conclusionPower of "Sony" is the ability of its managers find the use of extraordinary individuals, their ideas, harmonize different views. This is not a rant and not idealized. The weakness of many companies lies in the fact that the personnel service, its managers see themselves as "arbiters of the fate of" people who received them at work. They are "tied" to a person positions and consider their task completed. In fact, finding the true place of man in the organization - is a constant process of searching, evaluating and self-esteem to realize their abilities, "the working man."As practice shows, the company that tried to enter theforefront in the business, often suffered a complete failure, precisely because they failed to establish a management system based on the use of skills of their employees.

Список литературы

Armstrong M – Strategic Human resource Management: A Guide to Action, 4th Edition (Kogan Page, 2008) ISBN 0749453753
Holbeche L – Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy, 2nd Edition (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008) ISBN 0750680172
Saunders M, Millmore M, Lewis P, Thornhill A and Morrow T – Strategic Human esource Management: Contemporary Issues (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2007) SBN 027368163X
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