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Код 364507
Дата создания 08 апреля 2013
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Table of contents:
1.PESTEL analyses for cruise companies
2. Forces analyses
3.Market overview



Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

As for social factors, they are ageing population, attitudes to work, income distribution, migration flows, population interests. Changes in social trends can impact on the demand for a cruise company services and the availability and willingness of individuals to work. In some countries, for example, the population has been ageing. This has increased the costs for firms who are committed to pension payments for their employees because their staff are living longer. It also means some firms have started to recruit older employees to tap into this growing labour pool. The ageing population also has impact on demand.
New technologies create new products and new processes. MP3 players, computer games, online gambling and high definition TVs are all new markets created by technological advances. Online shopping, bar coding and computer aided design on the ships are all improvements to the way we do business as a result of better technology. Technology can reduce costs, improve quality and lead to innovation. These developments can benefit consumers as well as the organisations providing the products. Cruise companies offer today new, more innovative and ever-bigger vessels capable of carrying up more than 3,000 passengers, offering lower fares and shorter cruises to benefit from economy of scale and onboard activities such as multi-story shopping centers, restaurants, cafés and pubs, nightclubs, discos, casinos, art galleries and museums, theatres and cinemas, libraries, personal care areas and spas, gyms, swimming pools, tennis courts, ice skating rings, and a long etcetera of amenities to meet the changing vacation patterns of today’s market and exceed the expectations of its customers with practically a cruise option for everyone.

Список литературы

1.Cruise industry overview http://www.windrosenetwork.com/The-Cruise-Industry-General-Analysis-and-Overview.html
2.Carnival Corporation http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=140690&p=irol-index
3.Wikipedia ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celebrity_Cruises
4.Crystal cruises http://www.crystalcruises.com/AboutUs.aspx
5.CruiseDirect http://www.cruisedirect.com/
6.Norwegian cruise lines http://www.ncl.eu
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