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1 Understand the role of operations management in an organisation
1.1 explain the importance of effective operations management in achieving organizational objectives
1.2 evaluate the success of existing operations management processes in meeting an organisation’s overall strategic management objectives
2 Understand the importance of managing quality in an organization
2.1 explain the importance of effective quality management in achieving organizational objectives
2.2 evaluate the success of existing quality management processes in meeting an organisation’s overall strategic management objectives
3 Be able to plan a strategic quality change in an organization 3.1 plan a strategic quality change to improve organizational performance
3.2 define resources, tools and systems to support business processes in a strategic quality change
3.3 evaluate the wider implications of planned strategic quality change in an organisation
3.4 design systems to monitor the implementation of a strategic quality change in an organisation
4 Be able to implement a strategic quality change in an organisation
4.1 implement a strategic quality change in an organization
4.2 embed a quality culture in an organisation to ensure continuous monitoring and development
4.3 monitor the implementation of a strategic quality change in an organisation
5 evaluation the outcomes of a strategic quality change in an organization
5.1 evaluate the outcomes of a strategic quality change in an organisation
5.2 recommend areas for improvement to a strategic quality change that align with organisational objectives
List of references


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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

2. Location
3. A relative share in the market
4. Steady financial possibilities and technical equipment
5. Good image
(Strength - Opportunities)
1-1; 1-4;
2-1; 2-4;
4-5; 4-2;
7-1; 7-2;
(Strength - Threats)
1-1; 1-2;
Weakness (W)
1. . There is not effective advertizing
2. Poor quality of service
3. Weak flexibility (adaptability).
« W&O»
(Weakness - Opportunities)
2-1; 2-3;
3-1; 3-4;
(Weakness - Threats)
3.2 Develop a comparative understanding of activity from organisations in the market
The aggressive export policy of foreign producers, generally China, and also France, Italy can become threat for a sales.
JSC Kirov Plant has a number of competitive advantages in the market:
Stability and relative independence of external factors in questions of raw deliveries since all raw deliveries, behind an exception odds and ends, are carried out by the holding enterprises;
Stable sale;
Possibility of conducting wide activity on production modernization to enterprise modernization for the purpose of release new and improvements of qualitative characteristics of already let out types of production.
Cooperation possibility with other plants entering into a sphere of influence of group, including in respect of release of new production.
3.3 Create options to form the basis of future organisational strategy
For improvement of activity of the company it is necessary to use all strengths for involvement of new clients: quality of services, company management potential, financial possibilities and technical equipment.
Using active advertizing involvement and having improved technological support, the company can overcome threat of emergence and growth of activity of competitors, using the low prices, the company can overcome threat of change of requirements.
4 Develop a strategy plan for organisation of your choice
4.1 Propose a suitable structure for a strategy plan that ensures appropriate participation from all stakeholders of an organization
The plan mentions all main activities. Introduction gives short information on the company, represents mission, strategic objectives. Here the external factors influencing activity of the company are characterized. Its internal resources, possibilities are analyzed. The reasonable choice of strategy of development is given.
Then one of the main sections of the plan where the strategic plan of action is represented follows. Here it is necessary to provide all actions directed on the solution of strategic objectives. This section of the plan shares on chapters, each of which is devoted to a certain activity.
It is possible to register in the following section in advance tactics of implementation of the strategic plan, to register all rules and procedures.
By the separate section of the strategic plan the budget with comments of separate articles should be presented.
4.2 Develop criteria for reviewing potential options for a strategy plan
The system of monitoring and assessment of its performance should become the most important condition of successful implementation of the strategic development plan. The system should provide continuous control and the analysis of performance of the planned actions, and also to provide feedback and correction of routine planning according to changing circumstances.
There are a number of criteria, both quantitative, and qualitative which are used in the course of an assessment.
Quantitative criteria of an assessment:
market share
sales volume growth
level of expenses and production efficiency
level of expenses and efficiency of sale
turnover of staff
absence from work
satisfaction of workers
net profit
payments on securities
share price
standard of dividends
the income counting on an action.
Qualitative criteria of an assessment:
ability to involve highly skilled managers
expansion of volume of services to clients
profound knowledge of the market
decrease in quantity of dangers
use of possibilities.
5 Examine factors affecting your organizational strategy plan
5.1 Develop appropriate vision and mission statements for an organisation
Kirov Plant is an industrial holding, "factory" of effective business projects. We develop business projects and business competences which are based on real market conditions and coincide with our values and experience.
Kirov Plant is a versatile industrial holding developing traditional business and develop new. Our success is based on uniform strategy, a customer oriented and continuous self-improvement. We steadily aspire to reach the best result at the expense of our experience and intelligence, reasoned team, unique corporate culture, unity of the purposes and values, and also self-realization possibility. We continuously develop fund of assets and competences. This is a basis for successful development of our business which has not been limited to given territories of Kirov Plant.
• Priority of long-term goals and uniform strategy.
• Business efficiency and design approach.
• Continuous development and improvement.
• Experience, traditions and creative corporate culture.
• Understanding and balanced satisfaction of interests of stakeholders.
5.2 Produce agreed future management objectives for an organization
• Annual growth of revenue of Group of companies - not less than 18,5 % (taking into account inflation and without intra group turns). The purpose is 35 billion roubles in 2016.
• Profitability (profitability) of key business projects - at level Russian TOP-10 in branch.
• Labor productivity - at level Russian TOP-10 in branch.
• Involvement of the personnel into continuous creative business activity.
Values are formed by experience, education and a social and economic background.
It should be established 6 valuable orientations which influence adoption of administrative decisions: theoretical, economical, political, social, esthetic, and religious.
5.3 Develop measures for evaluating a strategy plan
The assessment of strategy is carried out by comparison of results of work with the purposes. Process of an assessment is used as a feedback mechanism for correction of strategy. To be effective, the assessment should be carried out is system and is continuous.
At an assessment of process of strategic planning it is necessary to answer 5 questions:
Whether strategy is internally compatible to organization possibilities?
Whether strategy assumes admissible degree of risk?
Whether the organization sufficient resources for strategy realization possesses?
Whether strategy considers external dangers or possibilities?
Whether this strategy is the best way of application of resources of firm?
6 Develop a plan for the implementation of a strategy plan
Type of activity
Meetings of the working groups for preparation of information about realization
Preparation of quarterly reviews of a course of implementation of the Strategic plan
Semi-annual reports on results of monitoring
Year information and analytical report on a realization course

Список литературы

1.Aristov O. V. Quality management. - M: Info-M, 2007.- 205 p.
2.Glichev A.V. Quality, efficiency, moral. Manual. – M: JSC Premium Engineering, 2009. – 358 p.
4.Mikheyev E.N. Quality management: Textbook / E.N.Mikheeva, M.V.Seroshtan. – M: Dashkov and Co, 2009. – 708 p.
5.Salimova T.A. Quality management. –– M: Omega-L, 2008.- 219 p.
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