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Код 363679
Дата создания 08 апреля 2013
Страниц 16
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1 Understand the role of operations management in an organization
1.1 Explain the importance of effective operations management in achieving organizational objectives
1.2 Evaluate the success of existing operations management processes in meeting an organisation’s overall strategic management objectives
2 Understand the importance of managing quality in an organisation
2.1 Explain the importance of effective quality management in achieving organizational objectives
2.2 Evaluate the success of existing quality management processes in meeting an organisation’s overall strategic management objectives
3 Be able to plan a strategic quality change in an organisation
3.1 Plan a strategic quality change to improve organizational performance
3.2 Define resources, tools and systems to support business processes in a strategic quality change
3.3 Evaluate the wider implications of planned strategic quality change in an organization
3.4 Design systems to monitor the implementation of a strategic quality change in an organisation
4 Be able to implement a strategic quality change in an organization 4.1 implement a strategic quality change in an organization
4.2 Embed a quality culture in an organisation to ensure continuous monitoring and development
4.3 Monitor the implementation of a strategic quality change in an organisation
5 Be able to evaluate the outcomes of a strategic quality change in an organisation
5.1 Evaluate the outcomes of a strategic quality change in an organisation
5.2 Recommend areas for improvement to a strategic quality change that align with organisational objectives
List of references


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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Object is JSC “RZD”.
Subject is managing quality in the organisation.
Strengthening of the market competition in the sphere of service of railway transport, and also necessity of efficiency increase was created by preconditions for development and introduction of a quality control system in JSC RZD.
Use of a quality control system by will allow reaching the following purposes:
it is essential to increase quality of services for ensuring the effective competition and development of the new markets earlier inaccessible to the Company;
most fully satisfy expectations and requirements of consumers for quality, safety, availability and the range of services provided by the Company;
systematically lower unproductive expenses and to increase profitability on the basis of introduction of a process approach and formation of economic control levers by internal processes of the Company;

Список литературы

List of references
2.Introduction of the program of management by the expenses connected with quality//http://www.inventech.ru/lib/quality/quality-0018/
3.Quality management in JSC Russian Railways: new approaches//Management, 2011. - No. 9. – p.20-21
4.Quality management. D. Ilyenkov, N. D. Ilyenkova, S.Yu. Yagudin's textbook / ed. by Ilyenkova S. D. M.: Unity, 2010. - 274 p.
5.Rebrin Yu.I. Quality management, - Taganrog: TRTU, 2007. - 306 p.
6.Salnikov O.V. Introduction of the control system by quality at the enterprise//Problems of modern economy, 2010.-№3. – p.8-21
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