
Not all people are happy with and prepared for the increase in intercultural contact.

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Дата создания 12 апреля 2013
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Intercultural contact refers to communication between people from different cultures including distinct cultures within a single culture. Many people are afraid of keeping in touch with people from another country. But why? The first thought that comes to my mind is ....
The other reason why people do not want to deal with intercultural communication is the problem of stereotypes. It’s a difficult issue, because it’s hard to persuade a person that what he thinks about another culture is wrong. A stereotype is a popular belief about specific groups or types .....

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The other reason why people do not want to deal with intercultural communication is the problem of stereotypes. It’s a difficult issue, because it’s hard to persuade a person that what he thinks about another culture is wrong. A stereotype is a popular belief about specific groups or types of individuals. I talked to a boy recently, he speaks rather fluent English, but refuses to talk to Americans (I have a friend from the US and wanted to get them acquainted). That’s because he is sure that all Americans are stupid and he doesn’t want to waste his time of senseless talks. That’s one of the main Russian stereotypes about Americans, especially Southerners. Even Americans themselves make up jokes about people who live in the southern part of the US.

As for me, I don’t believe it’s true. I talked to them and I didn’t mention any stupidity in their thoughts. What Americans think about Russians is that we drink a lot, we are poor, we love Russian bears and wear fur caps with ear flaps, and we all have carpets on our walls. I watched a program, it was about dating and a Russian girl took part in it. She asked an American guy to pretend to be Russian. He put on a costume of a bear and started to dance ‘kalinka’. Sometimes it hurts to hear it, that’s why I always try to prove that we Russians are absolutely different from what they think. I believe it’s wrong to make any conclusion about any culture if you haven’t experienced it yourself. Why it happens? We do not have enough information about other cultures. There’s no such a subject at school. Of course you may take something like this as optional. But who will? The majority won’t.

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