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Код 357833
Дата создания 28 апреля 2013
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Logo is one of the most important elements of brands. People say that brand makes logo. A logo is recognition. If you look at 10 different well-known logos without any names, you will recognize them immediately.

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3. I think, that Pepsi company is a leader in logo changes. It is the ideal example of a rapidly growing company, which constantly controls tendencies and tries to keep up with modern reality.
4. The history of Volkswagen starts in the 1930's at the time of Nazi Germany. The name of Volkswagen means ‘people’s car’ that emphasizes availability. In 1939 design of Volkswagen’s logo resembled a swastika.
5. BMW is the main German automobile producer. This company was founded to produce planes for the army. There is a clear airplane theme in its logo – 2 colours inside (blue and white) are like a propeller in form. The company also tried to produce railway brakes, motorcycles and finally cars.
6. Everybody knows that the Nike Company is on the top of sports fashion. The first logo was created in 1971 by student Carolyn Davidson. Nike has gave only $35 for her work. Here you can see an evolution of Nike’s logo.
7. Microsoft Company was founded in 1975 by Paul Allen and Bill Gates. At the beginning it was written with hyphen and during the year it disappeared. In 1987 Microsoft changed its logo, which is used nowadays.
8. The first logo of Apple Company used the image of Isaac Newton sitting under the apple tree. It was developed by Ronald Wayne. Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, decided that this logo has a bad influence on company’s sales and asked a special agency to create a new logo – a famous apple.

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