
Palma de Mallorca

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Презентация и текст к ней о Пальме-де-Майорке (русский + английский) ...




Пальма-де-Майорка – столица острова и самый красивый город Балеарского архипелага.

Говорят, что своим рождением Пальма обязана любви с первого взгляда. Римский консул Цецилий Метелл, увидев холм, нависший над морем, влюбился в эту землю и в 123 году до нашей эры заложил здесь город.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Castell De Bellver, Palma, Mallorca, Spain
Begun by Jaume II in 1300 and built by Pere Salva, the architect of the Almudaina Palace, it is unique among Spanish castles in being entirely round. Three large towers surround a central courtyard, connected by an arch to a free standing keep. The courtyard itself is on two levels, the ground floor with semicircular arches and a flat roof, the upper level with Gothic arches and rib-vaulting. It was conceived as a defensive installation and royal residence. But it became most famous, or infamous, as a prison, from the Middle Ages until the Civil War.
La Lonja
Some of the most distinguished Majorcan work of the fifteenth century was done by the sculptor and architect Guillermo Sagrera, who built the “Lonja” of Palma. In one of the doorways of this building stands the splendid figure of an archangel, revealing an extraordinary mastery of technique. The exterior of the building has some expertly executed gargoyles. The interior with its slender columns and fine vaulting is a wondeful piece of Mediterranean gothic.
Palma Cathedral
The Seo was build on the site of an existing Arab mosque. The legend has it that one night in 1229, as Jaime I was on his way to recapture Majorca, his fleet was struck by a terrible storm. He vowed to the Virgin Mary that if he survived the storm, he would erect a church in her honor. And after the storm had blown over, finding himself safe and sound, he immediately undertook the project. It was a vow that was to take a long time to fulfill. begun in 1230, the cathedral was finished in 1601.
Designed in the French Gothic style, the cathedral is 121 meter long and 55 meter wide. The main body of the church is set in the middle of a mass of pillars and spires, behind which lies the strong buttress reinforced with a double row of flying arches. The bell tower, still unfinished today, is 52 meter high with three stories. The main facade, which overlooks the Almudaina Palace, collapsed during a 1851 earthquake and was later completely reconstructed, with the exception of the Renaissance-era door which miraculously emerged unscathed.
The vast, airy interior is striking for its large-scale harmonious proportions. It features three naves resting on 44-meter tall octagonal pillars, eight chapels each side of the nave, and lacks both transept and ambulatory.
The rear interior reveals the majestic “Royal Chapel”, which is nearly as large as a church in its own right: 25 meter long and 16 meter wide. The columns are ringed with wrought-iron candelabra by Gaudi; his most controversial addition is the unfinished Crown of Thorns, fashioned from cardboard and cork and suspended above the altar.
Castell De Bellver, Пальма, Mallorca, Испания
Начатый Хуаном 2 в 1300 и построенный Pere Salva, архитектором Дворца Almudaina, это уникальный среди испанских замков тем, что он полностью круглый. Три больших башни окружают центральный внутренний двор, связанный аркой со свободным положением держат. Сам внутренний двор находится на двух уровнях, на первом этаже с полукруглыми арками и плоской крышей, не верхним уровне с Готическими арками и прыжками ребра. Это было задумано как защитная установка и королевское место жительства. Но это стало самым известным, или позорным, как тюрьма, от Средневековья до Гражданской войны.
La Lonja

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