
Контрольная работа 3. Вариант1.

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Код 357207
Дата создания 07 июня 2013
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The Population of Great Britain
I. Прочтите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие, за ним.
.....The main feature of the changing age structure is the increasing number of elderly people. The lot of the elderly people in Britain is a serious social problem.
Marriage trends since the 1930s have been towards a higher proportion of people marrying and an earlier age pattern. The average age for the first marriages is just over 26 for men and 24 for women. The proportion of people divorcing is growing.
As regards the proportion of urban population Britain probably holds the first place in the world. Over 90 per cent of its population live in towns.
One should note that today in Britain there are also sizeable groups of Americans, Australians, Chinese and various European communities. ...


The Population of Great Britain
I. Прочтите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие, за ним.
.....The main feature of the changing age structure is the increasing number of elderly people. The lot of the elderly people in Britain is a serious social problem.
Marriage trends since the 1930s have been towards a higher proportion of people marrying and an earlier age pattern. The average age for the first marriages is just over 26 for men and 24 for women. The proportion of people divorcing is growing.
As regards the proportion of urban population Britain probably holds the first place in the world. Over 90 per cent of its population live in towns.
One should note that today in Britain there are also sizeable groups of Americans, Australians, Chinese and various European communities.In the last generation British society has therefore become more multi-racial as ethnic minority groups from almost all parts of the world have made a permanent home in the country.

1. Did mass emigration influence the growth of the population of Great Britain?
2. What are the most highly populated regions of the country?
3. What is the main reason of the birth rates decline?

II. Перепишите и письменно переведите 5.6.7 и 8-й абзацы текста.

III. Выпишите из 1-го и 4-го абзацев предложения, содержащие независимый причастный оборот, и переведите их на русский язык.

IV. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной видовременной форме.
1. The Atlantic Ocean (wash) the western coast of Great Britain. 2. By, the end of the 18th century Europeans (visit) nearly all of the important Pacific islands.
3. In 1820 more than 70 per cent of the labour force in the US (work) on farms.
4. At present the bulk of the population of Scotland (concentrate) in the central lowlands. 5. Most of Britain's former colonies (become) independent.

V. Переведите предложения, содержащие инфинитивные конструкции.
1. Scientists believe the population of Great Britain to have been 2 million at the end of the 11th century.
2. Workers and employees are known to comprise 92 per cent of the population in Great Britain.
3. Projections for the future suggest the traditional increase in population of the country to be resumed.
4. Britain's total population is expected to be 58,4 mln. in 2001.
5. It's quite usual for international tourism in Britain to boost the development of the service sector.

VI. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную форму глагола в придаточных условных предложениях.

VII. Переведите следующие предложения, учитывая различия в переводе зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов.


The Population of Great Britain
I. Прочтите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие, за ним.
.....The main feature of the changing age structure is the increasing number of elderly people. The lot of the elderly people in Britain is a serious social problem.
Marriage trends since the 1930s have been towards a higher proportion of people marrying and an earlier age pattern. The average age for the first marriages is just over 26 for men and 24 for women. The proportion of people divorcing is growing.
As regards the proportion of urban population Britain probably holds the first place in the world. Over 90 per cent of its population live in towns.
One should note that today in Britain there are also sizeable groups of Americans, Australians, Chinese and various European communities. In the last generation British society has therefore become more multi-racial as ethnic minority groups from almost all parts of the world have made a permanent home in the country.

1. Did mass emigration influence the growth of the population of Great Britain?
2. What are the most highly populated regions of the country?
3. What is the main reason of the birth rates decline?

II. Перепишите и письменно переведите 5.6.7 и 8-й абзацы текста.

III. Выпишите из 1-го и 4-го абзацев предложения, содержащие независимый причастный оборот, и переведите их на русский язык.

IV. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной видовременной форме.
1. The Atlantic Ocean (wash) the western coast of Great Britain. 2. By, the end of the 18th century Europeans (visit) nearly all of the important Pacific islands.
3. In 1820 more than 70 per cent of the labour force in the US (work) on farms.
4. At present the bulk of the population of Scotland (concentrate) in the central lowlands. 5. Most of Britain's former colonies (become) independent.

V. Переведите предложения, содержащие инфинитивные конструкции.
1. Scientists believe the population of Great Britain to have been 2 million at the end of the 11th century.
2. Workers and employees are known to comprise 92 per cent of the population in Great Britain.
3. Projections for the future suggest the traditional increase in population of the country to be resumed.
4. Britain's total population is expected to be 58,4 mln. in 2001.
5. It's quite usual for international tourism in Britain to boost the development of the service sector.

VI. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную форму глагола в придаточных условных предложениях.

VII. Переведите следующие предложения, учитывая различия в переводе зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Что касается соотношения городского населения, Великобритания, вероятно, занимает первое место в мире. Свыше 90 % её населения живёт в городах.
Нужно отметить, что сегодня в Великобритании также существуют многочисленные группы американцев, австралийцев, китайского и других национальностей Европейского экономического сообщества. За последнее десятилетие британское общество, таким образом, стало более многонациональным, поскольку группы этнического меньшинства почти со всех частей мира обосновались в стране.
III. Выпишите из 1-го и 4-го абзацев предложения, содержащие независимый причастный оборот, и переведите их на русский язык.
1) The proportion of the Scotsmen, Welshmen and Irishmen is about 15 per cent, this group including foreigners too.
Шотландцев, валлийцев и ирландцев насчитывается приблизительно 15 процентов, в эту группу также входят иностранцы.
2) So there is a substantial fall in the natural increase of the population, the mortality rate remaining more or less stable, about 12 per 1,000 population.
Таким образом, существует значительное снижение естественного прироста населения, уровень смертности остаётся более или менее устойчивым, приблизительно 12 на 1,000 населения.
IV. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной видовременной форме.
1. The Atlantic Ocean washes the western coast of Great Britain. 2. By, the end of the 18th century Europeans had visited nearly all of the important Pacific islands.
3. In 1820 more than 70 per cent of the labour force in the US worked on farms.
4. At present the bulk of the population of Scotland is concentrated in the central lowlands. 5. Most of Britain's former colonies became independent.
V. Переведите предложения, содержащие инфинитивные конструкции.
1. Scientists believe the population of Great Britain to have been 2 million at the end of the 11th century.
Учёные полагают, что население Великобритании приблизилось к 2 миллионам к концу 11 столетия.
2. Workers and employees are known to comprise 92 per cent of the population in Great Britain.
Известно, что рабочие и служащие составляют 92 % населения Великобритании.
3. Projections for the future suggest the traditional increase in population of the country to be resumed.
Будущие прогнозы допускают, что исторически сложившийся прирост населения продолжится.
4. Britain's total population is expected to be 58,4 mln. in 2001.
Предполагают, что общая численность населения Великобритании достигнет 58,4 миллиона к 2001 году.

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