
Business Law Research Paper (Non-Common Law Jurisdiction)

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Код 352920
Дата создания 06 июля 2013
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Cortorate Bankruptcy Law in Russia
Cortorate Bankruptcy Law in England


Business Law Research Paper (Non-Common Law Jurisdiction)

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

At the same time, the effectuation of bankruptcy procedures always implies certain losses to creditors, debtors, and the State. Foreign countries with developed economies are no exception in this respect. The possibilities for applying bankruptcy procedures in order to reform businesses and to replace “inefficient” owners are quite limited, their basic goal being that of liquidating inefficient production, redistributing unreasonably utilized assets, and lowering economic risks in the economy; that is, bankruptcy procedures may serve a creative purpose primarily at the macrolevel.
The experience of foreign developed countries has not provided us with sufficient grounds for a firm belief that regulation of insolvency is to be effectuated only with the creditors’ priority in mind; there doexist examples demonstrating that insolvency is primarily orientated toward protecting the interests of the debtor or the State. It all depends on the specific economic policy of a given state and is largely associated with the scope of its state owned sector and the standpoints as to the necessity of its presence.

Список литературы


1.Dmitrii Arefiev. O Federal’nom zakone “O nesostoiatel’nosti (bankrotstve) (On the Federal Law “On insolvency (bankruptcy)” (new version). Posted at www.bpi.ru.
2.Burmistrova T., Karelin A. Bankrotstva v sovremennoi Rossii. Resul’taty i praktika primeneniia (Bankruptcies in contemporary Russia. Results and practice of their application.) – Pravo i ekonomika, 2009, No. 3.
3.Halliday T.C, “Professionals in systemic reform of bankruptcy laws: the 1978 U.S. Bankruptcy Code and the English Insolvency Act 1986,” Am. Bankr. Law J. 74:1(2009): 35–75.
4.Popondopulo V.F. Novelly Zakona “O nesostoiatel’nosti (bankrotstve) (Kratkii kommentarii glav I, II, XII). (Innovations in the Law “On in solvency (bankruptcy)” (A brief commentary to Chapters I, II, XII). – Iur ist i bukhgalter2008, No. 4, p. 81.
5.The institution of bankruptcy: development, problems, areas of reforming. М.: IET, 2009. P. 281
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