
Эссе по философии на английском языке

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Эссе по философии на английском языке

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Aristotle approvingly concerned that kind of managing which was reduced to acquisition of the blessings for the house and the state. This natural (according to Aristotle) the economic activities which have received, since Ksenofonta, the name "economy", included also an exchange in the limits necessary for satisfaction of reasonable personal needs. At the same time the activity directed on enrichment, i.e. activity of the trading-usurious capital, Aristotle characterised as unnatural.
The issue was never as clear as the stance Aquinas took would indicate. From Pope Gregory IX (written about 1241, when Aquinas was 16 years old): "He who loans a sum of money to one sailing or going to market, since he has assumed upon himself a risk, is not to be considered a usurer who will receive something beyond his lot. He also who gives ten solidi (a monetary unit), so that at another time just as many measures of grain, wine and oil may be paid back to him, and although these are worth more at the present time, it is probably doubtful whether at the time of payment, they will be worth more or less, for this reason, should not be considered a usurer. By reason of this doubt he is also excused, who sells clothing, grain, wine, oil, or other wares so that as a set time he receives for them more than they are worth at that time, if however, he had not intended so to sell them at the time of the contract." (See Denzinger, p.178). In other words, if the lender of the money "assumed the risk" ("assumpsit" in Latin), along with the borrower, it was not usury.
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