
What is a work of art

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Дата создания 06 июля 2013
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What is a work of art

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

By the opinion of the author of the essay the real work of art makes a man feel something he’s never felt before, makes him look at the world around with a hope. Of course, blind copying reality in painting or other kinds of art should not be the main object of an artist, though he or she can not but reflect the reality since lives in certain epoch and certain historic conditions. An artist can not be isolated from them enough. That is why any of the works of art unwittingly capture the details of the modern epoch. So the time leaves its own mark on paintings, sculptures, books or other articles of an artist. From the other hand such unconscious reflection of reality can hardly be compared to the true life. It is expressed in a subjective distorting form like in a mirror.
Most of critics think that aspiration for realism destroys the real Art. There must be a sort of mental crisis in the spiritual life of an artist, some frustration. The real work of art should show spiritual strength or beauty of an ordinary man. And the beauty is like greatness here.
Also a work of art in the visual arts is a physical two or three dimensional object that is professionally determined or popularly considered to fulfill a primarily independent aesthetic function. A singular art object is often seen in the context of a larger art movement or artistic era, such as: a genre, aesthetic convention, culture, or regional-national distinction. It can also be seen as an item within an artist's "body of work".
Some people have long made a distinction between the physical qualities of an art object and its identity-status as an artwork. For example, a painting by any of famous artists has a physical existence as an "oil painting on canvas" that is separate from its identity as a masterpiece "work of art" or the artist's Magnum opus (the largest, and perhaps the best, greatest, most popular, or most renowned achievement). Many works of art are initially denied "museum quality" or artistic merit, and later become accepted and valued in museums and private collections. Works by the Impressionists and non-representational Abstract artists are visual examples.
Besides the act of creation a work of art is an intentional one, i.e., the artist has to have the intention of making art. For example, the act of painting has to be undertaken in a special way in order to be art. So we can conclude that the work of art is based on freewill of a man, it is the product of a spark gifted by Got.
A lot of people consider art as an intrinsic part of human behavior; we can call human kind not only Homo sapiens but, rather Homo aestheticus. Hypothetically a work of Art can be made by any of us. It need not result in museum-quality work; it can be only an elaboration of some ordinary objects, some people just do some things better than others (and that is why they became famous).
A true work of art has great influence on the mind of a man through the senses. And here the great role plays every detail: color, sound, posture of the character, building frame, etc. and so, but everything should be subordinated to a common goal. That is why the great artists has always thought through in detail their works.
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