
Young people’s problems in USA

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Young people’s problems in USA

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Adolescence is proved to be a psychologically troubled period. As children are moving into adulthood and struggle to acquire and consolidate their independence, they pass through various phases that affect the psyche. Growing up, grow, and pressure from parents, friends, society and this is a huge problem for some.
Teens in America, as the research has proved, face many problems including depression, sexual pressures, bullying, financial worries, the balance of media, technology and image, as well as drugs and alcohol. Conflicting messages at home, at school and within the media result in stress and confusion. Teenage problems are stated to be are interwoven, with one generally accompanied by another in America.
As for Russian teens, their problems are much worse: public delinquency and drug addiction.

Список литературы

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