
Эссе на английском языке

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Эссе на английском языке

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In his works he first of all leant against Aristotle's ideas. So Thomas Aquinas asserted that such price which meets two requirements can be considered as the fair only:
1) provides equivalence of an exchange in compliance with expenses of work and expenses (i.e. to costs);
2) provides to participants of an exchange "livelihood" according to their social status, i.e. it should provide a various standard of well-being to the peasant, the Catholic clergyman and the feudal lord.
Besides, in the price should be considered and expenses for storage, goods delivery, and also the insurance for a case of possible losses of the goods.
As well as Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas condemned usury: it compared collection of percent to sale of what does not exist in the nature. However monetary loans on themaintenance of hired army and other state needs are admissible. In this case percent collection is considered as indemnification for risk of loss of a sum of money.
There can be a natural question: why Thomas Aquinas how, however, and many other philosophers of the Middle Ages condemned percent collection? The matter is that at that time monetary or material loans undertook from a hopelessness: the townspeople should borrow not to starve to death, the knight – to go to a crusade, a community - on obviously charitable act: to construct a temple. Also was considered unfair if someone did profit on disaster or piety of others.
According Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas justified a social inequality of people, protected a private property, idealised a subsistence economy. But simultaneously it broke off with naturally-economic views, justified an exchange. In its work have found reflexion specific questions of commodity manufacture. Most important of them is the problem of "the fair price". As the basis of an exchange of Thomas Aquinas considered equality of advantage of exchanged things. As expression of this principle at it "the fair price" which he explained in the form of necessary for goods manufacturing "quantities of work and costs" acts. Here there is an external similarity to the labour theory of cost, but it is deceptive. Problem statement "the fair price" at Thomas Aquinas had eticheski-standard character, has been based on class concept of justice. At such treatment the labour moment played a conditional role.
In the treatise Thomas Aquinas considered also other attributes of a commodity economy. In treatment of money he adhered номиналистической to the theory of their origin, recognised their necessity as measures of value and currencies. Its relation to usury and trade suffered discrepancy. On the one hand, he condemned usury, and with another – proved decency of loan operations carried out by church. He condemned trade on purpose profit reception, but as a whole – justified it.
It considered a public division of labour as the natural natural phenomenon and considered that it underlies division of a society into estates, asserted that people are born different by the nature.
One should cultivate the earths, others to build houses, and the part of people will be free from wordly cares and should devote itself to spiritual work for the sake of rescue of the others. It does a conclusion: serfs are created for physical work, and exclusive estates should devote themselves to spiritual activity, be engaged in brainwork.
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