
Какова роль семьи в жизни современного человека.

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Дата создания 07 июля 2013
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Our families give us an identity. They provide us with a moral, social and economic support.


Какова роль семьи в жизни современного человека.

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Marriage and establishing a family are fundamental natural needs of human beings which originate from their creation and nature. The wife and husband make up the heart of the family, the smallest, most basic social institution and provide the means for transmission of culture. The family is considered responsible for the procreating of human beings, their socialization and the molding of their personalities. This institution has always been venerated by all the divine religions and schools of thought which are based on morality. It is a center in which natural necessities such as sexual and emotional needs are met. A healthy, stable family can serve as the main source of physical and spiritual well-being for its members and present a healthy, balanced and fruitful resource for the society.Respecting the human dignity of woman in the family structure and meeting her true needs as woman, wife, mother or daughter of the family are the most fundamental elements in consolidating the family institution. Such a family has the potential to create the circumstances for personal and dynamic growth for all members of the family. There has always been a positive correlation between psychological health and a fruitful marriage.
In addition to such indicators as health, education and income, which are important in terms of human development, the stability of the family should also be taken into consideration as a very tangible index of human development. Therefore, some criteria to evaluate the authentic moral values significant in the consolidation of the family like loyalty, affection, chastity, faith and self-sacrifice should be presented. Providing the necessary environment to consolidate the family and bring about profound and immense development in the stability of society. Such measures can lead us to a practical solution for elimination problems such as cruelty, crime and rebellion of the younger generation which has taken the shape of a serious and severe problem in many countries.
Within families there are certain roles that need to be taken and filled by family members. Family roles are the recurrent patterns of behavior that different family members use to fulfill family functions and roles. A couple can decide how the different roles will be allocated. Typically men can earn more money and take on most of the responsibility for the first role. Women are often better at nurturing and making sure that emotional needs are met. Now modern men and women are changing roles.
The role of the family in life for modern human being has changed. Now the family can be the next after shopping and football, it`s the choice of the person, it`s not obligatory to get married. But making family is much more connected now with spiritual need and free desire.
However there are other roles of the family. A family may be considered to be a source of income, for example, when one of the couple is rich enough to give expensive presents or organize cruises.
Families, of course, include children. Nurturing children means caring for their hearts and minds as well as their bodies. Parents have a unique role in helping children develop, guiding their emergent, blossoming beauty. Children need to be taught life skills. This refers to the emotional, physical, educational, and social development of children.
In most societies today, the family faces serious challenges which have a direct bearing on its life, stability and prosperity. Mistaken economic, fiscal, political, population and social policies often undermine the family. In this way, great harm is being caused to the economic growth of nations and peoples.

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