
Varieties of Capitalism in the EU - problems and perspectives. (Виды капитализма в Евросоюзе - проблемы и перспективы).

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Дата создания 08 июля 2013
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Varieties of Capitalism in the EU - problems and perspectives. (Виды капитализма в Евросоюзе - проблемы и перспективы).

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Feature of the countries of “Rhenish capitalism”, heart of the European Union, is that during last 2500 years they are the basic carrier of the western culture and civilization. The economy of these countries represents social democratic market system regulated according to its cultural traditions and combining elements of individualism, corporatist and state strategies of social protection. Intervention of the state elite, corporatist groups and interests covers all the spheres of economic activities, overshadowing the conventional law that leadership is the integral part based on the individualism, self-regulated economic systems.
In the 1990s growing internationalization of economic relations has impulsed the other course: globalization in the sphere of trade, investmentsand especially financial streams has even more strongly connected Europe with world economy. But here globalization has accepted the regional form. Today similar regional economic blocks are a component of world capitalism. But in Europe this block consists of more formalized supranational institutes.
During last 40 years the EU has been achieving the formation of integrated economy. As a result in its frameworks by January, 1993 the single market is created, and by January, 1999 the single currency is entered. The EU members of form now the largest (under cumulative gross national product) zone of capitalist manufacture, surpassing the US and Japan. Per capita the EU members surpass the majority of the countries of the world in rates of increase of GDP.
The image of European Single Market there are essential distinctions of an economic situation and class relations among country regions.

Список литературы

1.Черников Г.П., Черникова Д.А. Европа на рубеже ХХ – XXI веков: проблемы экономики. М.: Дрофа, 2006. 415 с.
2.Hopner M., Schafer H. A New Phase of European Integration: Organized Capitalism in Post-Ricardian Europe. MPIfG Discussion Paper 07/4. 2007. 28 p.
3.Varieties of capitalism: the institutional foundations of comparative advantage. Ed. By Peter A. Hall and David Soskice. Oxford: University Press, 2004. 540 p
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