
Перевод и разбор статьи Semco

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Дата создания 13 сентября 2013
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Работа по Английскому языку ...


Статья «Semco»………………………………………...................................................................................….3
Базовые лексические единицы по прочитанной статье…………………………………………………………….6
Перевод на русский язык……………………………………………………………………………………………..9
Список литературы…………………………………………………………………………………………………...16


1. Статья «Semco »
Everyone at Semco, even top managers, meets guests in reception, does the photocopying, sends faxes, types letters and dials the phone.

He let his workers lake more responsibility so that they would be the ones worrying when things went wrong.
He allowed them to set their own salaries, and he cut all the jobs he thought were unnecessary, like receptionists and secretaries.
This saved money and brought more equality to the company.
‘Everyone at Semco, even top manager, meets guests in reception, does the photocopying, sends faxes, types letters and dials the phone.’
He completely reorganized the office: instead of walls, they have plants at Semco, so bosses cannot shut themselves away from everyone else.
And the workers are free to decorate their workspace as they want .
As for uniforms, some people wear suits and others wear T-shirts.
Semler says, ‘We have a sales manager named Rubin Agater who sits there reading the newspaper hour after hour.
He doesn’t even pretend to be busy.
But when a Semco pump on the other side of the world fails and millions of gallons of oil are about to spill into the sea, Rubin springs into action.
He knows everything there is to know about our pumps and how to fix them.
That’s when he earns his salary.
No one cares if he doesn’t look busy the rest of the time.’
Semko has flexible working hours; the employees decide when they need to arrive at work.
The employees also evaluate their bosses twice a year.
Also, Semco lets its workers use the company’s machines for their own projects, and makes them take holidays for at least thirty days a year.
It sounds perfect, but does it work?

The answer is in the numbers: in the last six years, Semco’s revenues have gone from $35 million to $212 million.
The company has grown from eight hundred employees to 3,000.
Semler says it’s because of ‘peer pressure’.
Peer pressure makes everyone work hard for everyone else.
If someone isn’t doing his job well, the other workers will not allow the situation to continue.
In other worlds, Ricardo Semler treats his workers like adults and expects them to act like adults.
And they do.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

And they do.2. Базовые лексические единицы по прочитанной статье.Английские словаПеревод1. workersрабочие2. receptionприемная3. worryingбеспокоиться4. unnecessaryненужный5. newspaperгазета6. workspaceрабочее пространство7. flexibleгибкий8. machinesмашины9. someoneкто-то10. revenuesпоступления11. makesделает12. pretendпритворяться13. completelyполностью14. holidaysканикулы15. evaluateоценивать16. salaryзарплата17. everythingвсе18. adultsвзрослых19. springsпружины20. continueпродолжать3. ПереводАнглийский текстПеревод на русский языкЗамечания преподавателя1. Everyone at Semco, even top managers, meets guests in reception, does the photocopying, sends faxes, types letters and dials the phone.1. Все в Semco, даже топ-менеджеры, встречают гостей в приемной, фотокопируют, отправляют факсы, типаписьма и звонят по телефону.2. He let his workers lake more responsibility so that they would be the ones worrying when things went wrong.2. Он позволил своим работникам брать больше ответственности, чтобы они беспокоились, когда все пошло не так.3. He allowed them to set their own salaries, and he cut all the jobs he thought were unnecessary, like receptionists and secretaries.3. Он позволил им устанавливать свои собственные зарплаты, и он вырезал все работы, которые считал ненужными, как и регистраторов и секретарей.4. This saved money and brought more equality to the company.4. Эти сэкономленные деньги и принесли больше равенства в компании.5. ‘Everyone at Semco, even top manager, meets guests in reception, does the photocopying, sends faxes, types letters and dials the phone.’5. Все в Semco, даже топ-менеджеры, встречают гостей в приемной, фотокопируют, отправляют факсы, типа письма и звонят по телефону.6. He completely reorganized the office: instead of walls, they have plants at Semco, so bosses cannot shut themselves away from everyone else.6. Он полностью реорганизовал офис: вместо стен, у них есть заводы в Semco, так что начальство не может закрыть себя от всех остальных.7. And the workers are free to decorate their workspace as they want.7. И рабочие свободны, чтобы украсить свое рабочее пространство, как они хотят.8. As for uniforms, some people wear suits and others wear T-shirts.8. Что касается формы, некоторые люди носят костюмы и другие носят футболки.9. Semler says, "We have a sales manager named Rubin Agater who sits there reading the newspaper hour after hour."9. Семлер говорит: "У нас есть менеджер по продажам по имени Rubin Agater кто сидит читает газету час за часом."10. He doesn’t even pretend to be busy.10. Он даже не делает вид, что занят.11. But when a Semco pump on the other side of the world fails and millions of gallons of oil are about to spill into the sea, Rubin springs into action.11. Но когда насос Semco на другой стороне земного шара ломается, и миллионы галлонов нефти вот-вот прольются в море, Рубин становится активным.12. He knows everything there is to know about our pumps and how to fix them.12. Он знает все, что нужно знать о наших насосах и как их исправить.13.That’s when he earns his salary.13. Вот когда он зарабатывает себе на зарплату.14. No one cares if he doesn’t look busy the rest of the time.’14. Никого не волнует, если он не выглядит занятым остальное время.15.

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