
Economic and social problems of Russia and Britain at the present stage

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Дата создания 14 июня 2014
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Экономические и социальные проблемы России и Британии на современном этапе. Эссе на английском языке. ...


Economy and social life are very important parts of functioning of any country. They show how this or that country is developed. Every country has its economic and social problems. They may be serious or not, numerous or small. And how a country copes with them shows its power and government’s wisdom.


Economy and social life are very important parts of functioning of any country. They show how this or that country is developed. Every country has its economic and social problems. They may be serious or not, numerous or small. And how a country copes with them shows its power and government’s wisdom.

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Here is a good example. It takes usually about 18 months to build a normal house. For an average construction company in Russia it is technically possible to build a house within 18 months, but it will need two or three years to get all the permissions for the construction. In the end it takes three to five years to build a house in Russia, while in Western Europe you need two years. A Russian worker can hammer a nail into a wall as well as a German worker, but the whole organization of work is very inefficient. And this is something that needs serious consideration. The problem number two for the Russian economy is its inefficiency.The problem of Russia’s dependence on oil and gas definitely exists. There are scientific researches that show that the growth rate of the Russian economy partially depends on oil prices. The Russian economy grows when oil prices rise. The main question is “Why is it just the oil and gas sector that is developing in Russia?” The answer is “Because there is a demand for that. The whole world wants our oil and gas”. And what else do we have to offer the world? We used to have a very strong military sector. Now we build a lot less military products than before but I believe we still have a large potential in this field and therefore the military sector could become the locomotive that would help Russia get rid of its oil and gas dependence.  As for Britain, little more than a century ago, this country was “the workshop of the world”. After the second World War, Britain has lost its leading position. This had several economic, political and social causes.

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