
Youth in modern society (choice of a profession; struggle with drug addiction; morality)

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Молодежь в современном обществе (выбор профессии; борьба с наркозависимостью; нравственность). Эссе на английском языке. ...


Modern society develops greatly. New technologies are invented so rapidly that we can hardly follow and correspond to them. But they open so many opportunities especially for young people. Some decades ago we could not even imagine that we would be able to speak over the phone in the street, use computers and work by Internet. Now it seems ordinary and usual.


Modern society develops greatly. New technologies are invented so rapidly that we can hardly follow and correspond to them. But they open so many opportunities especially for young people. Some decades ago we could not even imagine that we would be able to speak over the phone in the street, use computers and work by Internet. Now it seems ordinary and usual.

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So, it is sometimes a big problem for young people to choose a profession.Another great problem of modern society is youth’s drug addiction. Now in the world there are so many opportunities but at the same time there are so many temptations. Earlier, Russia did not participate significantly in the international narcotics markets as a consumer of illicit drugs. With the approach of the new millennium, this situation began to change dramatically. Now, Russia possesses the world's fastest growing drug trafficking and abuse problem without having adequate prevention or treatment programs in place. According to the head of the Russian Federal Service for the Control of Narcotics, there was a fifteen-fold rise in the number of drug-related crimes between 1996 and 2006, and a ten-fold increase in the number of drug users. As addiction grows, it spreads across the face of Russia. In 1985, the Ministry of Internal Affairs identified four regions in Russia that had more than 10,000 serious abusers of drugs. By the year 2000, more than thirty regions claimed this number of abusers. I think, it is always a misfortune for any family when a child begins to take drugs. Sometimes it happens because a young boy or girl wants to be popular and modern, sometimes because of personal drama (love, friendship, misunderstanding and so on). And in many cases it follows to a crime. A young person cannot stop it after he tries drugs for the first time. I believe that if parents pay much attention to their children, if they participate in their lives and problems, this misfortune will hardly ever occur.
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