
Doing Business In USA

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Дата создания 02 августа 2014
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В работе изучен бизнес-этикет США. Как правильно вести переговоры, преподносить подарки и т.п. Уникальность работы по etxt - 52%. Работа сделана на английском языке. Защищена 20 мая 2014 года на отлично. ...


So, let`s move on to the making appointment. Keep in mind that American people write the number of month firstly. Only then they write the day and the year. Many people from other countries often forget about this rule.
The working week is Monday through Friday, 8:30 or 9:00 to 17-00 or 18-00. However, there are many people who work overtime.
Punctuality is very important. In many U.S. cities, traffic is strong enough, so be sure that you arrive in time. If you know that you will be late, call your contact
If you were invited for meal, you should arrive promptly. But if this is a cocktail party, you can late for a few minutes.
As for doing business, you see that American notice individual achievements. The concept “time is money” is fair for this business culture. They prefer to make a decision quickly. Also they value information.


Let me start with saying that American business etiquette is really simple and democratic. So, they can use some informal moments in negotiations.

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They may continue to speak simply to avoid silence. Americans always try to establish an informal atmosphere at the talks, so they prefer to communicate with people by name, regardless of their age and position. Titles, except for medical doctors, are not used. Business is often conducted over breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Business entertainment may be conducted at relaxed events such as the opera, sports events, or even in personal residences. In general, people from the U.S. will not hesitate to answer "no". Businesspeople try to be direct and they can disagree with you easily. This communication style often causes embarrassment to business travelers.American is common to communicate virtually (i.e. through email, SMS, Skype, etc). They have very little protocol or formality in the interaction. If you are from a culture that is more subtle in communication style, try not to be insulted by the directness.In this country speak American English, considering the London English arrogant variant of the same language. So if you want to translate some materials for their future partners in the USA, it should do with this language features.The United States tends to be an ethnocentric culture. It means that people are closed from the “outside” information. Thinking is often analytical, concepts are abstracted quickly, and the "universal" rule is preferred. They have special rules for everything around them, and experts are relied upon at all levels. Be aware that the United States is the most litigious society in the world. It is not a secret that there are lawyers who specialize in practically every industry and segment of society.Presenting a gift is a thoughtful gesture, but it is not expected. Business gifts are often presented after the deal is closed. Otherwise, they can think that this is a kind of corruption. In many cases, the best gifts are those that come from your country. You may not receive a gift in return right away. During the Holiday season (late November through the first week of January), gifts is one of the most important thing for American. When you visit a home, it is not necessary to take a gift, although it is always appreciated. You can present a potted plant, flowers, or a bottle of wine as a gift. If you wish to give flowers, you can have them sent in advance to relieve your host or hostess of taking care of them when you arrive. If you stay in a U.S. home for a few days, a gift is appropriate. You may also write a thank-you letter. Another popular gift is taking someone out for a meal or other form of entertainment. Gifts for women such as perfume or clothing are usually inappropriate.For a first meeting, you cannot go wrong if you dress conservatively. Afterwards, you may want to follow the example of your American counterparts. In U.S. business culture, dress tends to vary. Executives in most regions of the country, however, usually dress quite formally. Business suits or dresses are often the standard attire for women.

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* Категория работы носит оценочный характер в соответствии с качественными и количественными параметрами предоставляемого материала. Данный материал ни целиком, ни любая из его частей не является готовым научным трудом, выпускной квалификационной работой, научным докладом или иной работой, предусмотренной государственной системой научной аттестации или необходимой для прохождения промежуточной или итоговой аттестации. Данный материал представляет собой субъективный результат обработки, структурирования и форматирования собранной его автором информации и предназначен, прежде всего, для использования в качестве источника для самостоятельной подготовки работы указанной тематики.
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