
Дейтельность неправительственных организаций, работающих с мигрантами в России (на английском языке)

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Дата создания 18 октября 2014
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Текст презентации, в которой производится краткий обзор деятельности существующих в России неправительственных организаций, работающих с мигрантами. Работа представлена в июне 2012 г, оценка "отлично". ...


It’s quiet convenient to split these NGO’s in two groups: branches of the international NGO’s and local projects.
Thus, after taking a look at the good-will organizations that provide support to the migrants the following conclusions can be made. The migration in Russia really is a problematic issue, because most of the organizations that were studied voiced lack of governmental participation, high number of the human and labor rights violations, etc


Like in many developed countries now days, not only the government provides support to the migrants. There are several non-governmental networks and organization that make an effort to improve the life and work conditions of the migrants.

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Finally, the UNHCR – the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Refugees. UNHCR’s office in Moscow was opened in 1992 as well. There is also a branch in Vladicaucas (North Caucasus region). The Agency’s activity is mostly concentrated in the places, where most of the persons under the jurisdiction of UNHCR are found: Moscow and Moscow region, Saint Petersburg and North Caucasus. The main aim of the UNHCR – Russia is to assist Russia’s government to create of an effective ad just system providing the refugee status according to the international standards. Now is the time to move on to the local projects and NGO’s that are aimed at providing help to the migrants. Committee “Civil Assistance” is an NGO providing help to the forced migrants and refugees. It was created in 1990 by a group of Muscovites willing to help the first refugees of the Perestroika and the Soviet Union collapse epochs. The committee provides migrants with humanitarian and social support as well as help them to protect their rights. They also try to attract the authorities’ society’s attention to these problems. The office of the company is located in Moscow, thus the main activity is held there, in Moscow and Moscow region. The Committee participates in the humanitarian, educational and peacekeeping projects in the North Caucasus region as well. Migrant Workers’ Labor Union, Moscow, in 2006 as a response to the numerous violations of the migrant workers’ rights in the context of increasing migration workers’ flow to the Russian Federation from mostly Post-Soviet countries: Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, etc. Its main goal is establishing a social dialogue with the employers, encouraging the migrant workers to develop a responsible attitude towards their work and, on the other hand encouraging the employers to provide decent work conditions. The main methods of work are creating primary labor unions at the work places and signing of collective agreements. As the organization claims, it provides support not only to the Union members, but for all of the migrant workers and thus strongly encourages them to join the organization in order to assert the rights to work and live with dignity. There are institutions that steady the questions of migration and xenophobia in Russia. An informational and analytic center SOVA (An owl) is one of them. The range of the interests of the center includes the problems of nationalism and xenophobia, interrelation of the religion and society, political radicalism, etc. It does not provide direct help to the migrants, but helps to raise the level of social awareness towards the existing problems.

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