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Курсовая выполнена на тему Эмфатических конструкций в английском языке. Прошла плагиат на 87% и была защищена на отлично. Текст работы на английском языке. ...



Chapter 1………………………………………………………………
1.1 The concept of Emphasis in general and emphatic equipment and constructions……………………………………………………………
Chapter 2 ……………………………………………………………………
2.1 Grammatical means of emphasis………………………………………


Emotive and expressive, both oral and written language are largely generated by different means emphatics - grammatical and lexical - and sometimes by both together. Different means of expression of emphasis occur even in those styles of writing that do not have the emotional coloration: such, for example, the style of scientific prose or official business style. But, of course, is particularly common in fiction emp , oratorical and newspaper and journalistic styles.

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that”When an adverbial modifier of time is emphasized by means of this construction, it is rendered in Russian by a simple affirmative sentence with emphasizing words. For example:It was not until noon that we were able to resume our work- Тольковполденьмысмогливозобновитьработу.When an adverbial clause of time is emphasized, it is rendered in Russian by a complex sentence. For example:It was not until they reached their house that he remembered about the letter- Толькотогда, когдаониподошликсвоемудому, онвспомнилпрописьмо.5. The emphatic “not….till/until”The negative construction is rendered in Russian by means of an affirmative sentence with the emphatic words before the adverbial modifier of time. For example:They did not come back till late at night- ОнивернулисьтолькопоздноночьюThey did not meet again until after the war- ОнивстретилисьсноватолькопослевойныChapter 2 2.1 Grammatical means of emphasis1. Inversion. Isolation of the sentence with amplifier, restrictive and negative words.Inversion - a departure from firm order of words in a sentence. Inversion is as a way to gain one of the components of typical expression for both languages ​​- and English, and Russian, but its role in the two languages ​​are not equivalent. The synthetic nature of the Russian language, in which the management is carried out by means of inflections and endings, provides a wide range of possibilities with regard to the order of the sentence. It therefore inversion as a means of emphasis does not play a significant role. In contrast, in English, due to the strict word order, setting to the top of any other part of the sentence, other than the subject, gives a vivid statement expressive color. Lack of attention to this difference in the nature of the inversion can lead to unnecessary removal of emphasis. In order for this not to happen, appropriate conversion.When the Russian translation of emphatic sentences with inversion, depending on the context, you can use either the lexical tools (word-amplifiers only, very, extremely, etc.), or syntax (sentence structure change).In strengthening and emphasizing the value of a secondary part of the sentence (usually the circumstances) is secreted by a sentence with the word preceding it imposed reinforcing forward and placed before the subject, which involves inversion of the predicate. For example:They will realize the importance of his work only in the course of timeThere is the usual word order: subject, verb, object complement, a circumstanceBut:Only in the course of time will they realize the importance of his work-Толькосовременемонипоймутважностьегоработы2. Another commonly used model is the transfer of emphasis parcelling out, then there is a branch point statement or part thereof. The term "parcelling" is derived from the French word «parceller», which means "to divide, break up into pieces." According to E.A.Ivanchikova "parcelling is one of the most interesting phenomena of modern syntax of speech." This phenomenon is a "living, active, prosperous, especially in the linguistic literature and journalism" parceling carries a communicative and expressive syntactic functions. For example:Taxes have increases. And house prices. Andpeoplehavenoticed- Возрослиналоги, атакжеценынанедвижимость. Илюди, конечно, этозаметили2.Though, although emphatic offersConcessive sentences with nominal part of the predicate, forward control. In concessive sentence of this type in the first place is the nominal part of the predicate expressed by the adjective, adverb or participle, followed by the union asor though. For example:Important as this work is, it does not cover the problem on the whole-Какниважнаэтаработа, онанеохватываетпроблему в целомHarmful though it is for his health, he is not able to give up smoking- Хотьэтоивреднодляегоздоровья, оннеможетброситькурить.Concessive sentences beginning with unionsIf at the beginning of concessive deals worth union however, followed by a nominal part of the predicate expressed by the adjective, adverb or participle, the translation of such proposals should begin with the words «какни. . .», «какбыни. . .», «хоть и . . .». For example:However complicated the problem is, we are to solve it. Как ни сложна эта задача, мы должны решить ее.Concessive offers can also start the following unions:As,however ,though ,whoever ,whatever , wherever, whenever, however that may be.Thus, there is a large variety in designs emphatic English. The ability to see and understand the emotional expressions in English, use both lexical and grammatical expressive means in accordance with the rules of the Russian language - are therequired adequate translation of emphatic constructions in lyrics any stylistic direction.Chapter 33.1Emphatic constructions translation That the translation for individual text fragments exist in the form of compliance with well-defined words, translators have noticed long ago. But sometimes impossible to find an equivalent or similar, so when translating use adequate replacement or transformation.Transformation - the basis for most methods of translation; changing formal or semantic components of the original text while maintaining the information to be transmitted.Translating transformation occur following types:Permutation - a change in the translation location ( the order of ) the language elements corresponding to elements of the original language . Permutations may be subject to words, phrases , parts of a complex sentence , elementary propositions within a complex , self- supply in the system of the whole text.Substitution - this way of translating lexical units of a foreign language through the use of language translation units that do not coincide with the initial value , but can be deduced logically.Addendum - extension of the original text , associated with the need to transfer the completeness of its contents , as well as differences in grammatical structure .Omission - the inverse operation of addition , when it comes to the objective differences between the languages ​​. By omitting understood omission of certain words in the translation .Antonymic translation - a special kind of transformation is applied when the direct path is impossible or undesirable. It is a comprehensive lexical and grammatical replacement , which consists in transforming the negative assertive design .Payment - Replacement incommunicable element script element of a different order in accordance with the general ideological and artistic character of the original and where it is convenient for the conditions of the Russian language. Descriptive translation - an operation in which a lexical unit of a foreign language is replaced by the phrase that explicates its value giving an explanation or description of the word.Concretization - a way to transfer , at which the replacement words or phrases of a foreign language with a broader objective- logical value word in translation with a narrower meaning.Generalization - the reverse process of concretization . Replacing the original value occurs in cases where a measure ordering information source ordering units above measures within the meaning of the corresponding units in the target language and is the replacement of the private general , species concepts genericModulation or meaningful development - a replacement words or phrases of a foreign language , the values ​​of which can be derived logically from the initial value.3.2 Translation of emphasisThe study found the following examples of emphasis:Epithet and inversion:In the original text, we find the following example: He's a young man of tact, the translator also gives the following version:«Тактичныйюноша».In English, adjectives inversion is very emphatic, but as we see in the translation this emphatic lost. Translator uses omission to convey meaning.Introduction constructions:Julia with half an ear listened to the list Margery read out and, though she knew the room so well, idly looked about her. «Джулия вполуха слушала список, который читала Марджори, и от нечего делать оглядывала комнату, хотя помнила ее до мелочей». In these examples, we can see that the opening design creates a shade of irony. Translator exposes the original transformation, using the permutation: puts construction at the end of the introductory offer, and modulation or semantic development:replaces so well on«домелочей»,giving most emphatic translated text.Michael started at them gravely for a moment as though he could not quite tell what they were… «Майкл уставился на блюдо с таким видом, словно не совсем понимал, что там лежит…». In our opinion, in this example, the payment was applied. The interpreter translated fragment ... as though he could not quite tell what they were ... by replacing the original element to an element of a different order in accordance with the general ideological and artistic nature of the script, because this is to introduce convenient conditions for Russian language.Rem-themed relationship:I’m a great stickler for saying the authors exact words, though, God knows, the words authors write nowadays arent much. «Я очень педантичен в этих вопросах и считаю, что надо строго придерживаться авторского слова, хотя, видит бог, то, что пишут авторы в наши дни, немногого стоит». In these examples, violated traffic regulations on the subject to the theorem. You can find the starting position of theorem “the words”, which makes proposals emphatic intonation.Offers with the unreal condition:Julia woundred if she could be such a fool as to be in love with him. «Интересно, хватило у нееумавлюбиться в него?».In this case, we see that when translating a complex sentence with the unreal condition simplified omission occurs and lexical replacement of some elements of the original text.The following example applies antonymic translation:I wonder if we could persuade to come and eat a chop with us. «Можетбыть, вынеоткажетесьпоехать с намиперекусить?».Original affirmative sentence is replaced by the interrogative containing negation.Since his five years at the war he had adopted a military bearing, so that if you had not known who he was… «Проведя пять лет на войне, Майкл усвоил военную выправку, и, если бы вы не знали, кто он…». Despite the fact that the translator in the main part offers reshuffle and lexical replacement of certain elements, structure deals with the unreal conditions remain unchanged, which allows transfer of emphasis without loss of meaning.He had curly light brown hair, but it was plastered down and Julia thought how much better he would look if, instead of trying to smooth… «Волнистые светло-каштановые волосы были тщательно приглажены, и Джулия подумала, насколько больше бы ему пошло, если бы он…». The proposal made ​​the omission and rearrangement, but emphatic design was found good enough equivalent emphasis saved.Emphatic combination it / this … that (which, who):This is the gentleman who is good enough to put some order into to the mess we make of our accounts. «Это тот джентльмен, который любезно согласился привести в порядок наши бухгалтерские книги». In these examples, it is clear that the grammatical structure of the sentence has not undergone specific changes, but the transformation was made omission.It’s not so much the play that I went to see, it was your performance. «Я нестолькорадипьесы, сколькорадивашейигры».Translator compensates by replacing the design “it is ... that” the design«нестолько … сколько».We should note that it is a good replacement, because preservation of emphasis occurs in both versions.Model as ... as:It was no effort to her, it was as instinctive as brushing away a fly that was buzzing around her, to suggest now a faintly amused, friendly tenderness. «Без всякого усилия, так же инстинктивно, как отмахнулась бы от докучавшей ей мухи, она вложила в голос чуть ироничное, ласковое радушие». In this case, the transformation can be isolated and omissions mudulyatsii and compensation. At the same time design “It was no effort to her ...,” in translation -«Безвсякогоусилия…»is also emphatic character.The poor lambs as thin as a rail. «Бедный ягненочек, худой, как щепка». This model, which is used in the examples above. You can cancel some phrase nature of the expression. As for the version in Russian, the translator uses to replace the item as thin “as a rail” on the element«худой, какщепка»,on this basis that this option can be considered the most successful to convey the meaning of the original.Then it cant be as like me as I thought. «Значит, я здесь не настолько похожа, как думала». When translating the transformation was made replacement.The emphatic DO: And even now, though I dont deny that if the plays wrong youre dished, I do contend that if the plays right… «И хотя я не отрицаю, если пьеса плоха, мы горим. Всеже, когдаонахороша…». Due to the fact that the Russian language has no auxiliary verbs, the translator is forced to compensate for this fact by other means of the Russian language. As we can see, the translator has resorted to adding new units, such as«всеже».The may pretend they don’t like it, but just see them posing when they think the camera mans got his eye on them. «Они делают вид, будто им это ни к чему, но надо видеть, какие позы они принимают, когда им кажется, что фотограф нацелил на них объектив». In this example were produced by the addition and replacement.Structure with no negative:She had no object in doing this. «Она не преследовала этим никакой цели».In this example, the specification implemented to enhance the emphatic.Lexical repetition:The boy was so young, so shy, he looked as if he had such a nice nature… «Мальчик был так молод, так робок, казалось, у него такой милый характер…».There were photographs of Julia when she was a child, and photographs of her as a young girl, photographs of her in her first parts, photographs of her as a young married woman, with Michael … «Там были детские карточки Джулии и снимки, сделанные в ранней юности; Джулия в первых своих ролях, Джулия - молодая замужняя женщина с Майклом…». As we see the translator in this example shifts the focus from the photos on that Julia commits the same lexical repetition, only instead of using the very identity of its accessories. Transformation were used permutations and omissions.Emphatic determination:It is awfully kind of you. «Это очень любезно с вашей стороны». In this case, we are dealing with the loss of the emphatic original proposal, the translation failed also vividly convey emphasis. Although it was made to replace the original version “awfully” of the particle«очень», emphasis, in our opinion, was somewhat lost.Michael asked only very distinguished people to write in their book. «Майклпросилрасписыватьсятолькосамыхпочетныхгостей».In this example, the translation is produced rearrangement infinitive turnover “to write” in order to avoid redundancy of words in the Russian version.The decorator had raised his supercilious eyebrows, but it was the only spacious room in the house in which Julia felt completely at home.

Список литературы

1. Ахманова О.С. Словарь лингвистических терминов. М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1969. – 608 с.

2. Дроздова Т. Ю, Берестова А. И.; Насекова В. Г. edition 2006 EnglishGrammarReferenceandPractice учебное пособие – издание 10, исправленное и дополненное.- СПб,: Антология, 2006.- 464 с.

3. Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1990. - 685 с.

4. Mark Foley/ Diane MyGrammarLab3 (advanced) C1/C2- Edinburg: Pirson, Holl.

5. Oxford English Dictionary, second edition, edited by John Simpson and Edmund Weiner, Clarendon Press, 1989.
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