
Английский язык, 7 заданий, текст Importance of Economic Mechanization

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Английский язык, 7 заданий, текст Importance of Economic Mechanization Образец 50424
Английский язык, 7 заданий, текст Importance of Economic Mechanization Образец 50425
Английский язык, 7 заданий, текст Importance of Economic Mechanization Образец 50426
Английский язык, 7 заданий, текст Importance of Economic Mechanization Образец 50427
Английский язык, 7 заданий, текст Importance of Economic Mechanization Образец 50428
Английский язык, 7 заданий, текст Importance of Economic Mechanization Образец 50429
Английский язык, 7 заданий, текст Importance of Economic Mechanization Образец 50430
Английский язык, 7 заданий, текст Importance of Economic Mechanization Образец 50431
Английский язык, 7 заданий, текст Importance of Economic Mechanization Образец 50432
Английский язык, 7 заданий, текст Importance of Economic Mechanization Образец 50433
Английский язык, 7 заданий, текст Importance of Economic Mechanization Образец 50434
Английский язык, 7 заданий, текст Importance of Economic Mechanization Образец 50435


Задание 1

Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните инфинитив одной чертой, причастие – двумя, герундий – волнистой линией. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The development of efficient tractors to replace horses as power units has greatly changed agricultural mechanization:

2. In many districts, dusting and spraying by airplane is an accepted and essential agricultural practice.

3. To obtain maximum use of applied fertilizer and to harvest wheat of uniform protein the practices outlined must be followed.

4. Modem tractors have been doubling the output of farm production recently and decreasing the costs involved by 15-20 per cent.

5. Important points to be taken into consideration are these: the soil types of the area, annual rainfall, crop production efficiency, etc.

6. Increasing the area of farms under mechanized crop cultivation is a general tendency in the world.



Задание 2

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на особенности перевода бессоюзных подчинений.

1. The way tractors are used, the length of time they remain productive and the amount of fuel they consume depend to a marked degree upon the care they receive.

2. Lime and other plant foods in fertilizers are not all used up in the year they are applied to the land; some of the their value left over for a year or more helps later crops.

3. Most of the combine use knowledge specialists have gathered has been put in the 4.form of instructions and user manuals.

4. Specific fuel consumption is the amount of fuel used by a tractor, harvesting combine or a truck covering certain mileage.

5. Professionals believe agricultural machinery employed on farm needs planned use during the year.



Задание 3

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, учитывая различия в переводе зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов.

1. The surface of the Earth is composed of land and water, the latter being roughly three-fourth of the area and not habitable by man.

2. This report deals with high power field equipment testing, fertilizer distributors and sprinkling installations being paid particular attention to.

3. Vegetables, because of their high adaptability, are cultivated over a wide range of soil and climatic conditions, soil of good physical properties being especially important.

4. Having used the data of the study undertaken by US experts, we can now take correct decisions in choosing correct crops and fertilizers.



Задание 4

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод объектного и субъектного инфинитивных оборотов.

1. In the past decades we have seen great progress take place in poultry production increase.

2. We want these harvesting combines to be used wider in our farm cooperative to double the output and the resulting sales.

3. New types of bam fodder distributing belts are expected to perform with greater efficiency.

4. University research is known to have become the principle source of agricultural progress.

5. Under these conditions the development of the food processing enterprise is likely to advance.

6. These dairy installations proved to be the best in the collection of farm equipment to fulfill the tasks it is designed for.



Задание 5

Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения с придаточными предложениями условия.

1. If the ventilation system should fail, the animals could suffocate in the barn in a few hours.

2. There are comparatively few regions so free from droughts that irrigation would not be profitable if it could be cheaply provided for.

3. Because of the heavy weight and low power density of batteries for electric tractors and trucks, they have been restricted only to short-range use where internal combustion engines would be undesirable or even dangerous.

4. Agricultural engineers cannot design systems of any kind Unless they are provided with the basic information as to particular field conditions the new type of machinery is commissioned to work.

5. If we provide our farm with modem machines, equipment and quality labour and fertilizer better, we will achieve greater production output in the near future.



Задание 6

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов should и would.

1. The soil cannot reproduce itself, so man should improve it through quality management and treatment so that future generations can farm more efficiently than their fathers have done.

2. Reliable controls are especially important in livestock and poultry production and should be taken into consideration, because the health and welfare of the animals are involved.

3. If the work of a combine harvester in a field were planned well, there would be a considerable saving in wear and tear and in the time taken to do its job.

4. When the farm fair, it is a good idea to ask participants whether they would like to meet foreign experts in the fields of agricultural research.

5. Without computerized equipment farm data processing would be hardly possible.



Задание 7

Переведите текст на русский язык.

Importance of Economic Mechanization

Mechanization of agriculture is a progressive development of steadily increasing scope and importance, and it continues with more and more exploitation of mechanical and electrical power for almost every farming task.

Many machines are known to be powered by tractors. Implements such as plows, cultivators and planters may be mounted on, or pulled by, a tractor. However, through economic reasons, an increasing number of farm machines are now self-propelled. Among these machines we may name grain combine harvesters, cotton pickers, forage harvesters, and many other specialized farm machines.

There are certain machinery service parameters that need to be paid attention to in terms of economic optimization of farming practices. Economics and statistics prompt that less monies will be spent in agriculture if, say, efficient power of a tractor grows, engine's specific fuel consumption goes up, machine's efficiency and reliability become higher. Also, lower maintenance costs, including service costs, as well as decreased fuel and grease costs allow extra financial means to be saved for other - most of the time more important - farm-related expenses and the business expansion. And it goes without saying that the higher is the durability and the wear-proof ability of the equipment employed, the brighter are the economic perspectives of the enterprise exploiting it.

The scope for future development is limited only by the necessity for mechanization to be economic. Already much of the new equipment includes automatic control devices, and these are certain to play an ever-increasing part in agricultural mechanization in the future. They open up whole new fields of development, such as automatic control of environment for both crops and livestock.

Also, because electricity is considerably cheaper than liquid and gas fuels, machines that do not require mobility are usually driven with electric motors. Such installations include silage unloaders, livestock feeding equipment and milking machines.

Mechanization, supported by other scientific advances, has transformed the place of agriculture in the national economy. In the mid-nineteenth century about a quarter of the working population of Britain were engaged in agriculture, and farming produced about one fifth of the country's wealth. Current national trends of spreading and growing in volume use of mechanical equipment on farms are reflected in statistical reports dealing with it.



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