
Oppositon: speaking and writing

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Код 265772
Дата создания 25 мая 2015
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В работу включено: полное, подробное раскрытие данной темы(оригинальность ~95%), презентация, оформленная и готовая к докладу. Также прилагается речь к этой презентации. Все разбито на пункты и удобно к рассказу. Речь полностью соответствует материалам презентации и всей курсовой работы. ...


This work was performed in the plane of the intersection of linguistics, stylistics, and grammar and devoted to the study of such opposition as writing and speaking.
The importance and actuality of this study is determined by the constant interest to the grammar opposition: writing and speaking, the desire to delve deeper into the nature of the speaking and writing appearance and also the wish to find as much peculiar features of these two forms of speech as possible. Speech is an integral part of the social life of people, a necessary condition for the existence of human society. It is a necessary condition of human cognitive activity.
The object of our study is main peculiarities and differences of the oral and written speech.
1.1 History of the literature language. Appearance of the speaking and writing
Since the 18th century, observations were made on the bonds between different languages, on the composition of the literary language, similarity and differences between languages.
The creation of the "Grammar" was extremely important for understanding of the specificity of the literary language [4, p. 18].
The question of the origin of the literary language is still not resolved by the experts, and more than that, they claim that the final decision is not close.
Such interest to the problem of the origin of the literary language can be explained by the fact that the whole concept of its future development, the formation of the national literary language in 17 -19 centuries depends on the particular understanding of the formation of the ancient literary language
1.2 The problem of the differentiation between the writing and the speaking
At first glance, the decision of the question about the delimitation of oral and written texts is not difficult. If we take into the consideration, the material form of the sign, the speaking is always easily distinguished from the writing: speaking is realized in the form of the material sound and is perceived acoustically and the written language is realized in the form of graphic material and is perceived visually.

2.1 The characteristic features of the speaking
In XXth century such discipline as colloqualistic appeared, or in other words it is the theory of conversational speech - one of the most interesting, important and at the same time difficult for studying kinds of speech. It contributed to the comprehensive analysis of the conversational speech. Colloqualistic is closely associated with the syntax.


This work was performed in the plane of the intersection of linguistics, stylistics, and grammar and devoted to the study of such opposition as writing and speaking.
The importance and actuality of this study is determined by the constant interest to the grammar opposition: writing and speaking, the desire to delve deeper into the nature of the speaking and writing appearance and also the wish to find as much peculiar features of these two forms of speech as possible. Speech is an integral part of the social life of people, a necessary condition for the existence of human society. It is a necessary condition of human cognitive activity.
The object of our study is main peculiarities and differences of the oral and written speech.

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Also, the knowledge of some things from our work can help people to be more educated.In order to present and discuss the historical background of the opposition we should look at the question of the origin of the literary language. The literary language was released at the beginning of the 20th century from the influence of the different jargons that have existed in the past and have influenced its norms.The oral form of speech exists much longer than written. There are two approaches to solve the problem of the language appearance: the first one that the language appeared in the natural way (the evolutionary hypothesis) and the second that the language was created artificially (the creative hypothesis). Speaking is realized in the form of the material sound and is perceived acousticallyand the written language is realized in the form of graphic material and is perceived visually.The written and oral speech are two forms of the speech function. Both of these forms are the main means of communication in the human society. The writing is the secondary to the speaking. Analyzing the opposition: writing and speaking, we should consider both similarities and differences between them. Their similarity is that the basis of these forms of speech is the literary language, and also they have the same significance in use. The problem of their differences is wider. Here are some of the ways in which these two forms of language differ:6 слайдSpeech is usually transient, unless recorded, and speakers can correct themselves and change their utterances as they go along.- How is your sister?- Oh, she is nice, thanks. She lives in Volgograd. - In Volgograd? Really?- Oh, sorry. She lives in Vologda. I mix up these two cities.7 слайдA written text can communicate across time and space for as long as the particular language and writing system is still understood.I write to you . . . when that is said What more is left for me to say? Now you are free (I know too well) To heap contempt upon my head. Yet if some sparks of pity dwell Within your breast you'll surely not Abandon me to my hard lot (From Tatyana to Onegin).8 слайдSpeech is usually used for immediate interactions.- Hello Helen. Nice to meet you.- Hello Kate. I have not seen you for ages. How are you?- I am fine, thanks. Oh, it is a great pleasure to meet you and chat a bit!9 слайдWritten language tends to be more complex than speech with longer sentences and many subordinate clauses.

Список литературы

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