
A Six-day War

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The subject under the study is the Six-Day War.
The aim of a work is to define hat led to the Six Day War (1967) and was it unavoidable.


1.1. Changes in Egypt preceding the Six-Day war 4
1.2. The winds of war: the threat of a conflagration between Israel and its Arab neighbors 9
2.1. Conspiracy theories, a brief respite and rapid escalation 11
2.2. The main causes of a war and their analysis 19


At precisely 8 a.m. on June 5, 1967, virtually the entire Israeli air force streaked into Egyptian airspace simultaneously. Some aircraft entered from Israel's Negev desert to the east, some directly from major Israeli bases to the northeast, and hundreds from the Mediterranean to the north and northwest.
Within minutes every military airfield in Egypt was under attack. By the end of the first morning of the Six-Day War, the Egyptian air force had been destroyed on the ground. The Syrian air force was destroyed that afternoon.
The war opened with shocking suddenness, and ended only six days later with much of the Arab world's military might, and all of its political illusions, in smoking ruins. But the buildup to war had been slow and ambiguous. Today what is clear is that the Israelis wan ted war, Egypt did not, the Soviets could have prevented it, and the Americans should have. But origins of the attack that changed forever the course of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute are as confusing now as they were 25 years ago. This short war was very important and made a lot of consequences in the relations between countries, i.e. this theme still remains relevant.
The subject under the study is the Six-Day War.
The aim of a work is to define hat led to the Six Day War (1967) and was it unavoidable.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Список литературы

1. Adam Garfinkle, Israel and Jordan in the Shadow of War (New York: St. Maritn's, 1992), 43.
2. Bamahane (monthly Israeli newspaper), 12 September 1966; Matityahu Mayzel, The Golan Heights Campaign, June 1967 (Hebrew) (Tel Aviv: Ma'arachot, 2001), 25.
3. Damascus to FO, 17 August 1966, and Minute by the Middle Eastern Department, 18 August 1966.
4. Dany Shapira, Alone in the Sky (Hebrew) (Or Yehuda: Sifriat Ma'ariv 1994), 232; Rabin, Service Notes, 122.
5. Dayan, Story of My Life, 391; Weizman, On Eagles' Wings, 254.
6. Doland Neff, Warriors for Jerusalem: The Six Days That Changed the Middle East (New York: Linden Press, 1988), 52; Moshe Gilbo'a, Six Years-Six Days: Origins and History of the Six Day War (Hebrew) (Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 1968), 48.
7. Ehud Yonay, No Margin for Error (Hebrew)(Jerusalem: Keter, 1993), 178.
8. Gilbo'a, Six Years, 49-50; USNA, RG59/2350, Tel Aviv to the Secretary, 1 June 1965.
9. Knesset Debates, vol. 43, 18 May 1965; Oren, Six Days, 25. ISA, Hez/12/744, Jerusalem to London, 1 June 1965.
10. Ma'oz, Syria and Israel, 88. Patrick Seale, Assad of Syria: The Struggle for the Middle East (Hebrew) (Tel Aviv: Ma'arachot, 1993), 144.
11. Ma'oz, Syria and Israel, 88; Eyal Zisser, "Between Syria and Israel: The Six Day War and Its Aftermath" (Hebrew), Iyunim Bitkumat Israel, 8 (1998): 206-07. USNA, RG/2353, Jerusalem to SD 16 May 1965, and Memorandum of Conversation, 19 May 1965.
12. Michael Bar-Zohar, Ben-Gurion: A Political Biography (Hebrew) (Tel Aviv: Misrad Habitahon, 1977), vol. 3, 1588.
13. USNA, RG59/1888, Hare to the Secretary, 16 November 1966. See also, NA, RG59/2352, Memorandum of Conversation, 29 November 1966.
14. USNA, RG59/2350, Hare to Davies, 6 August 1966. NA, RG59/2351, Amman to SD, 31 October 1966.
15. Yaniv, "Brutal Dialogue," 376; Ma'oz, Syria and Israel, 90-91. In this regard, see also: USNA, RG59/2354, Memorandum of Conversation, 18 August 1966.
16. Yaniv, Politics and Strategy, 189; John Bulloch and Adel Darwish, Water War: Coming Conflicts in the Middle East (London: Victor Gollancz, 1993), 39.
17. Yoram Meital, Egypt's Struggle for Peace: Continuity and Change, 1967-1977 (Gainsville: University Press of Florida, 1997), 7. Shemesh, "Arab Struggle over Water", 156-57.
18. Zaki Shalom, With Heart Aflame: David Ben-Gurion's Struggle for the Image of Israel and its Leadersh
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