
"The Russian Labor Market in the Statistics of the Crisis" реферат по английскому

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Реферат по английскому языку. КрасГАУ 2013 ...


1. Russian labor market at the time of financial crisis
2. Real crisis impact on labor market


From the distant past, human work is a large part of each economic activity. It can rightly be defined as a universal factor of production. In the XVII century, one of the founders of classical political economy Century Patty said: «Labour is the father and active creative factor of wealth, and the earth is his mother». To create any of the goods and services necessarily requires two components: the certain material resources and applied to them by human labor. The Patty not accidentally compared the work of men, proactive - without it, none of the material resources are not converted into finished products. In the modern theory of production factors work together with land and capital is one of the three main factors in building the wealth of Nations.

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4 million in October 2008, began to go up once more in April, and by early summer it reached the maximum level of 1.2 million. The indicator began to go down once more starting in July, and by the end of 2009 it had gone back to just about the same levels as at the beginning of the year, 0.8 million. Accordingly, taking into account the dynamics of the number of registered unemployed citizens, the coefficient of tension in the labor market (the number of unemployed citizens for every job vacancy) first rose from the level of 1.9 people in January 2009 to 2.7 in April 2009, diminishing to 2.1 in June 2009. It then continued to rise and reached the level of 2.6 by December 2009.2. Real crisis impact on labor market2.1UnemploymentAccording to the data of the weekly monitoring of worker layoffs in organizations, in the Russian Federation as a whole in 2009, more than 69,000 organizations in which 13.7 million workers are engaged in labor activity posted information about personnel layoffs that had taken place or were forthcoming. Overall, from early October 2008 to the end of 2009 the total number of work-ers laid off came to 881,000. At the same time, of the number of those who were laid off 244,000 found jobs (139,000 in their former organization). More than 11,000 organizations reported that some of their workers were transferred to part-time employment. The total size of this category of citizens came to more than 1.6 million people. According to the data as of 30 December 2009 in the country as a whole, the number of workers slated to be laid off came to 488,000. Figures 2 and 3 show the data reflecting the change in the numbers of workers in enterprises and organizations who were on leave without pay throughout 2009, or who were idle through the fault of the employer.An analysis of the statistical data shows that on the average in 2009 a bit more than 67,000 workers were laid off every month (the largest numbers of layoffs came in March and August, while the lowest numbers came in September and November). The number of workers slated to be laid off in Russia as a whole continues to remain at 470,000, although the rate of the increase did slow down. After a relatively small decline in July through September 2009, starting in October the number of people working on a part-time basis went up again, ranging from 1.3 to 1.37 million. The number of people on leave without pay, or idle, did not rise much from February 2009, ranging from 90,000 to 140,000 workers on leave without pay and from 170,000 to 290,000 workers left idle.Under the conditions of the mass layoffs of workers and, in quite a few enterprises and organizations, the introduction of part-time employment, in 2009 there was an increase in the level of demand for state services (see Table 1). In 2009, more than 14 million people sought help at employment agencies in Federation entities, looking for a job, temporary employment, vocational guidance, and information about the situation in the labor market (15 percent higher than in 2008). Moreover, the number of citizens who sought help finding a suitable job increased by almost one and a half times in 2009 compared to 2008, with 8.5 million in 2009 compared to 6 million in 2008.The indicator that characterizes the stabilization of positive tendencies in the labor market is the ratio between the number of people who went looking for help in finding a suitable job and those who found one. In 2009 as a whole, compared to 2008, almost 2.5 million more people went looking for help in finding a suitable job (8,477,422 people in 2009 compared to 6,031,028 people in 2008; that increase came to 140.6 percent of the previous year’s level). Of the total number of those who went for help, moreover, jobs were found by almost 872,000 more people than in 2008 (the increase came to 122.6 percent of the previous year’s level). These data permit us to say that the activity of employment agencies in finding jobs for citizens have been successful under the conditions of the drastic decline in the number of vacancies in 2009.It needs to be noted that this level of job placements was achieved basically as the result of organizing temporary jobs. In 2008, all those who found permanent and temporary jobs were divided about equally (out of the total of 3,852,819, 1,949,131, or 50.5 percent, found permanent jobs); in 2009, on the other hand, the percentage of people who found permanent jobs comprised only 39.5 percent. At the same time, in absolute terms this figure did not go down by very much in 2009, adding up to 1,870,327. A major portion of the citizens who sought help in finding a suitable job in 2009 found temporary jobs; in 2009 their number was 2,854,073. The average length of time that people had temporary employment in 2009 also went up, by 2 to 2.5 times, compared to the preceding years.In 2009, among those who went to employment agencies for help in finding a suitable job there was an increase in the percentages of unemployed people (from 75.4 percent in 2008 to 77.5 percent in 2009), those who had been employed in blue collar professions (from 43.5 percent to 48.7 percent), white-collar employees (from 19.1 percent to 21.4 percent), and workers who had been laid off in connection with the liquidation of their organization or as a result of downsizing of personnel (from 6.2 percent to 9.2 percent). At the same time, the percentages of people who had not worked before and were looking for work for the first time, as well as those trying to resume their labor activity after a long break, went down (from 37.4 percent to 29.9 percent, and from 22.3 percent to 19 percent, respectively).The changes in the structure of unemployed citizens in 2009 represent a complete repetition and a strengthening of the tendencies established in 2008. It is necessary to note the substantial decline in the percentages of women (from 60.3 percent in 2008 to 54.6 percent in 2009), of rural inhabitants (from 50.2 percent to 39.4 percent), and people attempting to resume their labor activity after a lengthy break (from 35.9 percent to 23 percent, respectively). At the same time, the percentages of those who quit on their own volition, those who have a professional education, those who were laid off in connection with the liquidation of their organization or as a result of downsizing, went up substantially (by 4, 6, and even 7 percentage points).This ratio provides evidence that a major portion of unemployed who are registered in public employment agencies in 2009 are classified as former workers in enterprises of the real [nonfinancial] sector of the economy who ended their labor involvement (people who left on their own volition, people who were laid off in connection with the liquidation of their organization or as the result of downsizing). An analysis of the composition and tempo of the rise in the number of unemployed makes it possible to say that if there had been no additional measures to reduce the tension in the labor market (such as helping to retain workers in enterprises via regional programs of supplementary measures), the level of registered unemployment in 2009 would have been higher. At the same time, the statistical data do not confirm the fears expressed at the end of 2008 that increasing the amount of unemployment benefits would “stir up” people who had not been working for a long time, inhabitants of rural areas, and also marginalized strata of the population, prompting them to turn en masse to the employment service and register as unemployed. The size of these categories of citizens in the overall numbers of unemployed went down not only in terms of percentage but also in absolute terms.The distribution of unemployed in terms of the length of their unemployment shows a predominance of those who have been on the books from one to four months (35 percent) and from four to eight months (23.4 percent). the average length of unemployment did not increase substantially in 2009; it stood at 5.5 months (compared to 5.3 months in 2008). At the same time, the change in the length of unemployment varied more substantially by different categories of unemployed people.There was no change in the length of unemployment of young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty-nine (5.1 months in 2008 and 2009); in the case of inhabitants of rural areas, it actually went down to 6 months, compared to 6.1 months in 2008. There was a very slight increase in the length of unemployment in the case of unemployed women, from 5.4 to 5.6 months in 2009. The length of unemployment went up considerably in inhabitants of single-profile cities (population centers), from 3.9 to 4.8 months in 2009, and also in the case of handicapped people, from 5.2 to 5.5 months in 2009.It is useful to focus on the dynamics of the structure of the dis-tribution of unemployed in 2007–9, in terms of the length of their unemployment (see Figure 4). It might be reasonable to think that the almost twofold rise in the percentage of unemployed registered for up to one month, along with the substantial decline in the percentages of unemployed registered for longer periods, especially from four to eight months and from eight months to one year, represented the chief achievement of employment agencies in 2008. However, 2009 changed the positive tendency that took shape in 2008. The data in Figure 4 graphically illustrate the shift in the percentage of registered unemployed toward longer periods: this means that the process of job placement is slowing down a great deal, and there were fewer chances that unemployed citizens would be able to find jobs more quickly in 2009.In 2009 there was a substantial change in the distribution of unemployed people broken down by level of education and, accordingly, level of qualifications (see Figure 5). The highest percentages among unemployed consisted of those who had a secondary professional education (28.2 percent) and a primary professional education (20.5 percent). At the same time, the tendency for the number of unemployed of all levels of education to increase continued in 2009.

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4. http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=6&[email protected]&hid=9&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ==#db=aph&AN=83816314
5. The voice of Russia
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