
Лаконичный диалог и эмоциональная сдержанность в коротких рассказах Эрнеста Хемингуэя // Диплом на АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ

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Код 257656
Дата создания 24 сентября 2015
Страниц 72
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Работа защищалась в РУДН в Москве. Оценена на 97/100, оценка "A". Дата защиты 2 июня 2015. Работа на английском языке: Laconic dialogue and emotional understatement in Ernest Hemingway's short stories. На примере коротких рассказов Cat in the rain, A day's wait, A canary for one ...


Introduction 4
Chapter 1. Historical review of Hemingway’s creation………..………....7
1.1Short story as the main genre in American literature at the beginning of the 20th century………………......………...............................7
1.2 Hemingway is the great novelist of the XXth century: life and work…………………...……………………………………………...……11
1.3 Hemingway as the guide of the short story genre ……….....……22
Interferences ……………………………………………………………...25
Chapter 2. Laconic dialogue and emotional understatement in E. Hemingway's short stories........................................................................…27
2.1 The dialogue as the foundation of Hemingway’s short stories. 27
2.2 “Cat in the rain” – the writer’s approach to the life 31
2.3 “A Canary for one” – a novel about the desolation. 38
2.4 “A day's wait”: one hundred and four degrees of separation........44
2.5 The distinguish features of the short stories “Cat in the rain”, “A Canary for one” and “A Day's wait”………...…………………………….51

Conclusion 57
Bibliography 59


This work was performed on the plane of the intersection of text linguistics, stylistics, and semantics and devoted to the study of laconic dialogues and emotional understatement in Ernest Hemingway's short stories.
The importance and actuality of this study is determined by the constant interest to Hemingway’s work, the desire to delve deeper into the artistic intentions of the writer. The emergence of Ernest Hemingway’s short stories in the middle of the XX century is a significant phenomenon in the literary life not only of America, but also of other countries. The American writer told the most common "incidents from the usual life" of ordinary citizens’ craft. The main theme of his short stories is the importance of home and family values.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Список литературы

1. Andreeva Y.A. The writers of the US literature. - M .: Progress, 1974.
2. Baker C. Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story. - N Y: Charles Scribner’s Son, 1969.
3. Baker C. Hemingway: The writer as Artist. - New York: Princeton University Press, 2002.
4. Chang Y. A Survey of American Literature. - Nankai University Press, 2003.
5. Chang Y. Chapter 14 in A Survey of American Literature. - Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 2007.
6. Crane S. Red Sign of Courage. – M.: GIHL, 1962.
7. Emelyanov L.I. Analysis of the literature works. - L.: Science, 1976.
8. Esin A.B. The principles and examples of the literary analysis. – M.: Progress, 1995.
9. Finkelstein I.L. Hemingway - novelist. – N.Novgorod: Volgo-vyatsky publishing, 1974.
11. Gart B. Origin of the Novel //American Literary Essays. - N.Y.: Ed. Lewis Leary, 1960.
10. Griffin P. Along with Youth: Hemingway, The early Years. - New York: Oxford University Press, 2005
11. Hemingway E. A Canary for one. - NY: Ed. Lewis Leary, 2000.
12. Hemingway E. A Cat in the Rain. – NY: Ed. Lewis Leary, 2000.
13. Hemingway E. A Day’s Wait. - NY: Ed. Lewis Leary, 2000.
14. Hemingway L. My brother, Ernest Hemingway Cleveland. – NY: World Publishing Co., 1961.
15. Kashkin I.A. Ernest Hemingway. – M.: State Publishing Fiction, 1959.
16. Kazin A. Fiction in the Twenties: The Lost Generation-Ernest Hemingway. - New York: Gould Media, 2007.
17. Kert B. The Hemingway Women. - New York: Norton and Co., 1983.
18. Kormilova S.I. The modern Dictionary guide to the literature. - M. Russian language, 2000.
19. Lawrence R. Hemingway and women: female critics and the female voice; the Romance of Desire in Hemingway’s Fiction. University of Alabama Press, 2004.
20. Meshcheryakov V.P. The basis of the literature.- M .: Lyceum, 1998.
21. Oleneva B. A. Contemporary American novel. – Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1973.
22. Parrington V.L. The main flow to the American thought. –N.Y.: Corpus, 1962.
23. Rourke C. American Humor. A study of the National Character. - N.Y.: Globe, 2011.
24. Semenov M.L. Analysis of literature works.- M .: Education, 1987.
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