
The Comparative Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs of LUKOIL and ExxonMobil

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Дата создания 09 ноября 2015
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Реферат на тему: "Эффективные программы КСО". Разобрали 2 похожие программы КСО (одной тематики) двух разных компаний и сравнили (LUKOIL и ExxonMobil).
Объем работы: 4 страницы текста (без учета титульного листа, списка источников) одинарным интервалом 12 шрифтом. ...


- General Overview of Compared Companies
- CSR Policy Content
- CSR Ecological Component
- Sponsorship and Charitable Help
- Qualitative Analysis of CSR


General Overview of Compared Companies
Oil and gas sector was one of the first to have implemented CSR practices in Russia. At all stages of the product supply activities of these companies have a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, companies are paying more attention to the impact they have on society and the environment. Moreover, major CSR schemes aimed at the development of the regions were created, introduced and implemented.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

ExxonMobil’s primary responsibility is to provide the energy needed to maintain and improve living standards for people all over the world. But the company, realizing its scale in international markets and the scope of activity, is aware that it is becoming part of the local communities and countries. In addition, the company claims that it conducts policies in the field of CSR, not only because it has to do, but also because it helps build robust communities and a stronger economy. And this, in turn, is good for the business itself.CSR Ecological ComponentBoth companies are guided by high standards of environmental protection and industrial safety. LUKOIL is steadily investing in recycling activities, implementing the principle of responsibility for the life cycle of products, and introduces the best technologies available. Thus, LUKOIL anticipates the Russian Federation Government's decision to introduce a new system of environmental regulation. In 2013, the Company increased the level of associated gas utilization to 88.0%, well above the national average (78.9%)Annually the company increases the funds allocated for environmental protection. Over the last 5 years the company invested about 4 billion dollars in actions for environmental protection, particularly in air protection, including increase of utilization of associated oil gas, as well as prevention and elimination of consequences of emergencies.The assessment of productivity of a control system is carried out on the basis of results of the monitoring including audit, production control, and corporate supervision. Key indicators of activity in the field of industrial safety, labor and environmental protection are established for all levels of company management.Environmental payments and fines strongly affect the company's financial position. Growth of a payment for negative impact on environment (from 206.2 million rubles to 799.9 million in 2012) is caused by the introduction in action of requirements of the Government of the Russian Federation according to which in 2012 multiplying factors to payments for discharges of polluting substances more than 5% of the volume of produced associated gas came into force. In case of failure of 95% utilization of associated gas emissions from flare systems are considered as overlimit (raising coefficients are applied).ExxonMobil has a bit different projects making system. Starting implementation of any major project, the company is assessing the impact on the environment, socio-economic sphere and on human health. First of all, the facilities like roads, pipelines or equipment are defined as they can be a source of such impacts, then an assessment of risks is carried out and strategies to eliminate or reduce these risks are developed. This process continues throughout all life cycle of any particular object. Unlike Lukoil this company manages flexible control of the project and its continuous improvement in combination with the analysis of changes.However, ExxonMobil is characterized by several environmental scandals. Thus, the main crisis came to ExxonMobil in 1989 - as a result of the collapse of the Exxon Valdez tanker 250 thousand barrels of oil hit the water off the coast of Alaska. ExxonMobil spent about $4.3 billion compensation to eliminate the impact on the payment of fines. It was the largest oil spill in history before the explosion of an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico. This disaster has not much changed the company's policy in the field of CSR. After the tanker accident, for over 20 years the company has avoided major scandals and accusations in the media, and kept reputation of the largest donor of the social sphere of the USA. After such incidents ExxonMobil took the initiative to develop industry guidelines for improving the strength and means to remove oil spills. By developing and improving the system of risk management, the company aims to ensure that the complete absence of oil spills will become the norm.Sponsorship and Charitable HelpLUKOIL is actively involved in the social life of the regions where it carries out the production activity. The company cooperates with executive authorities, tries to help with implementation of socially significant projects. Health care, education, culture and sport; orphanages and boarding schools; the social help to citizens are the priority directions of charity of the enterprise.Total investment of ExxonMobil into social sector exceeds the amount of LUKOIL. In 2011, the American corporation has invested more than $256 million into various social projects and charity, where almost 50% came from the United States. Such costs distribution emphasizes “patriotism” of ExxonMobil and high social responsibility of the oil giant to its own country, considering the fact that the company operates in more than 50 countries and most of the resources gets outside the United States.Of course, the company also spends funds for support of socially significant projects in other countries where it operates. These include large-scale program to fight malaria in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region, significant costs for training and supporting entrepreneurship of women and minorities in developing countries, as well as the construction of social infrastructure.The key direction of social expenses of ExxonMobil in the USA is the National initiative in the field of physics and mathematics – the largest corporate social program in the USA and around the world, directed on improvement of quality of the American school education in the exact sciences. In 2007 ExxonMobil became the founder partner of this initiative, having invested $125 million in its long-term development. Close cooperation of ExxonMobil and some other large corporations interested in training of a highly qualified technical personnel with the federal government, administrations of states, national academies and non-governmental funds is one of successful examples of public-private partnership in the social sphere of the USA.Qualitative Analysis of CSR Today, CSR practices of oil and gas giants are similar to each other. The above companies have adopted policies to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and continue to participate in the development of local communities. The similarity in the CSR policy can be explained by the fact that companies copy the actions of others and the CSR policy has become like oil and gas industry over time.Nevertheless, these strategies are not identical to the compared oil companies. Thus, LUKOIL is a participant in the UN Global Contract, while ExxonMobil is not.

Список литературы

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Setyadi A. Costs and Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). A company level analysis of three sectors: Mining industry, chemical industry and light industry // Information and Knowledge Management. 2013. Vol. 3. №10. P. 82-96.
The KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2013 // KPMG International. URL: http://www.kpmg.com/Global/en/IssuesAndInsights/ArticlesPublications/corporate-responsibility/Documents/corporate-responsibility-reporting-survey-2013.pdf
The 2011 ExxonMobil Corporate Citizenship Report (CCR). URL: http://cdn.exxonmobil.com/~/media/Reports/Corporate Citizenship Report/2011/news_pub_ccr2011.pdf
The 2012 ExxonMobil Corporate Citizenship Report (CCR). // ExxonMobil official website URL: http://corporate.exxonmobil.com/~/media/Reports/Corporate Citizenship Report/2012/news_pub_ccr2012.pdf
ExxonMobil Financial & Operating Review (2012) // ExxonMobil official website URL: http://www.exxonmobil.com/Corporate/Files/news_pubs_fo_2012.pdf
Отчет о деятельности в области устойчивого развития на территории Российской Федерации в 2011 - 2012 годах // Официальный сайт ОАО ЛУКОЙЛ. URL: http://www.lukoil.ru/materials/doc/social/2013/Lukoil_OD_rus.pdf
25. Презентация «Программа стратегического развития ОАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» на 2012-2021 гг.» // Официальный сайт ОАО ЛУКОЙЛ. URL: http://www.lukoil.ru/static_6_5id_2413_.html
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