
The book for house reading: «Romeo and Juliet» by William Shakespeare.

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Код 252328
Дата создания 30 ноября 2015
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Summary of each action.
Act I.
Act II.
Act III.
Act IV.
Act V.


In the famous balcony scene, Romeo hides in the Capulets' garden to catch sight of Juliet. When she appears at a window, Romeo reveals himself. Both Romeo and Juliet express their love for each other and decide to marry, despite their last names. Friar Laurence decides to help the young lovers in an effort to end the families' feuding. Meanwhile, on the Verona streets, Romeo is informed that Tybalt has challenged him to a duel.

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Juliet receives the message, and that afternoon, the lovers are married.Act III.This act opens with Mercutio and Benvolio discussing whether or not there will be a brawl. Indeed, when Tybalt and the Capulets, as well as Romeo, arrive on the scene, Tybalt challenges Romeo to a duel. Romeo refuses to fight him, and instead, Mercutio takes his place. As a result, Mercutio is slain by Tybalt, and in retribution, Romeo kills Tybalt. When the Prince finds out what had transpired, Romeo is banished from Verona. Juliet is soon told of the recent events, and both Romeo and Juliet are in great despair. The Friar tries to calm Romeo and persuades him to go to Mantua to wait for further instruction. And although Paris delays the wedding during the time of mourning for Tybalt, Old Capulet decides thatParis and Juliet should be married in three days. When Juliet hears of her father's hasty plan, she decides to go to the Friar for advice.Act IV.At the Friar’s cell, Juliet has threatened to kill herself. The Friar advises Juliet to drink a potion that will make her appear dead for forty-two hours. Because her parents will think she has died, she can easily escape to Mantua to be with Romeo. Juliet returns to her house, tells her father that she has changed her mind about her marriage to Paris, and then drinks the potion in a toast to her beloved. The Nurse enters Juliet’s room to awaken her in preparation for the wedding, but finds what appears to be Juliet’s corpse. Act V.In Mantua, Romeo receives news that Juliet has died. Not knowing the real story because the Friar's letter—which holds the complete truth—had not been successfully delivered, Romeo decides to take his own life and die alongside his beloved. Hearing that Romeo did not receive his letter, the Friar proceeds immediately to the graveyard, where Juliet awaits. When Romeo arrives at the graveyard, he encounters Paris. The two begin to fight, and Romeo slays Paris. He then approaches Juliet's tomb, believes her to be dead, and drinks the poison to relieve him of his grief. Friar Laurence arrives too late to see Romeo alive but just in time to see Juliet awaken. When he tells Juliet that Romeo has committed suicide, she follows suit, using her beloved's dagger to slay herself.

Список литературы

«Romeo and Juliet»
by William Shakespeare.
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