
The national character of the English

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What is a typical English­man like?


Englishman feels a strong need in the community, but no one better than he can retire among many friends.

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Englishman In almost nothing ostentatious. He lives above all and above all, for himself. His nature to love of order, comfort, desire for intellectual activity. He loves good transportation, fresh suit, rich library.Of human vanity is easy to recognize this Englishman. No hue and cry not mislead him up. He never for a moment stopped. Where necessary, he would stand aside, turn from the curb, vilnet sideways, never expressing on their faces important slightest surprise or fright.The English common folk are extremely friendly and helpful. Pay with any - any question foreigner Englishman take the shoulder and begins to show him the way with different visual techniques, several times repeating the same thing, then it will still be looking after him, not believing that the questioner could not understand everything so soon.The British were not only able to avoid all the obstacles and avoid breakage, but also the work they have done with perfect tranquility, so that even the next-door neighbor, and often do not know that next to it boils gigantic work.In a country jerking fierce winds, rain and fog, conditions in which more people than anywhere else, alone in their home and away from their neighbors.There is no people in Europe, which was built to custom in such inviolable law. Once the custom exists, no matter how he was strange, funny or original, no well-bred Englishman did not dare to break it. Although the Englishman politically free, he follows a strict social discipline and ingrained habits.British tolerant of other people's opinions. It is hard to imagine the extent to which this nation strong passion for betting. Phenomenon is the spread of clubs. The club is the home, family sanctuary, the secret of which no one can violate with impunity. Expulsion from the club - the greatest shame for the Englishman.Englishman feels a strong need in the community, but no one better than he can retire among many friends. Without violating propriety, it can be fine with yourself among the crowd, to indulge in his thoughts, to do what he likes, never constraining themselves or others. No one knows how strictly one's time and money, as an Englishman. He is extremely long hours, but always finds time to relax. In the hours of labor it is working without straightening his back, straining all the mental and physical strength, in his spare time, he willingly betrayed pleasures. At every Englishman, no matter where he lived, bears the stamp of his nationality. Frenchman can not always be distinguished from the Italian or Spanish, but the English is difficult to confuse with anyone else. Wherever he was, he would make throughout their customs, their demeanor, anywhere and for anyone not change their habits, it's everywhere - at home. This is - the original, original, highly coherent.The Englishman is very conceited. He was sure that in his own country all went better than others. So he looks at the alien's arrogant, with regret, and often with complete contempt. This lack of English have developed due to a lack of sociability and exaggerated consciousness of superiority over others. Money - the idol of the British. No one does not enjoy the wealth of respect. Whatever the social position of an Englishman, whether scientist, lawyer, politician, or a priest, above all, he merchant. At every field he devotes much time to raise money. His first concern is always and everywhere - to amass as much as possible. But the unchecked greed and lust for profit is not stingy Englishman: he loves to live more comfortably and the wider nogu.Anglichane travel a lot and always try to learn more of the facts, but very little closer together with the people of the countries visited. Converge in a foreign country with foreigners were not allowed to etiquette, pride, lack of understanding and contempt for other people's customs. In England, there is no turning into ruins, nothing is dying away life: close to legends crowd novovvedeniya.Anglichanin has innate ability to iskatelstvu adventure. Phlegmatic by nature, he is able to be enamored of all the great, new and original. If the life of the Englishman is folded so that it is unable to carry on with life's difficult obstacles, he begins to suffer unbearable melancholy. Then taken from the oppressive boredom seek entertainment in the strangest adventures.In the field of art Englishman loves above all the grandeur and originality. Last manifests itself, in particular, on a vast scale bridges, monuments, parks, etc.English is the ideal independence, education, dignity, honesty and selflessness, tact, elegance of manners, exquisite politeness, ability to sacrifice time and money for a good cause, the ability to manage and meet, persistence in achieving goals, lack of swagger.British - one of the few people in the world who enjoys the respect of others unexplained. No matter how fun of properties and features of their character, secret reverence breaks through any mockery, criticism, or outright hostility. A striking example - English humor. Understand it nobody can, especially in the brightest of its manifestations - the love of physiological jokes. Exquisite irony Bernard Shaw or Oscar Wilde's clear to all, but the falling pants, toilet jokes, indispensable hints at various obscenity and indecent Mr Bean or Benny Hill cause other nations undisguised bewilderment. But this effect is triggered, "the new dress of the King" - no one can believe that he is naked, all unaware that they simply did not have felt something in the small English humor, and understand everything to the best of his depravity.But for all its deep and sincere belief in their own superiority the British denied any expression was frank own patriotism.

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