
Бизнес план турфирмы на английском

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Дата создания 23 декабря 2015
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Бизнес-план туристической фирмы с анализом рынка, предлагаемым продуктом, политикой фирмы, стратегическим планом. ...


3) Product or service
“Star-Travel” propose following services:
- sale and formalization of tourist permits
- excursion service
- arrangement of tourist transportation
- informing tourists about their trip
- formalization of insurance
- formalization of passports and visa
The market leaders are very popular because of their advertising and length of work that’s why they have a big demand on their service. Our agency works not a long time and we haven’t such a famous advertising, but if we work at it, we will provide better service and have more clients.


1) Business description
Our tourist agency is called “Star-Travel” and it works since 2013.
Our agency is situated to the address to:
141800, Moscow, Zelenodolskaya street, 27/3
“Star-Travel” provides a large spectrum of services, connected with travelling:
- international travelling
- business trips
- extreme journeys
- student exchange
“Star-Travel” has good material resources, for example large modern office with necessary equipment. We have a big number of staff and good reputation in the market.
Our aims:
- to provide tourists with respectable service
- to organize advertising campaign in the Internet
- to become tourist market leaders
Our agency gets profit out of realization of tourist permits.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The market leaders in our industry are “Nataly tours”, “Coral Travel” and “1001 Tour”. They work on tourist market for a long time, they have a good reputation and they specialize on a big number of services.Our main clients are: businessmen, extreme tourists, families with children, students. 3) Product or service“Star-Travel” propose following services:- sale and formalization of tourist permits- excursion service- arrangement of tourist transportation- informing tourists about their trip- formalization of insurance- formalization of passports and visaThe market leaders are very popular because of their advertising and length of work that’s why they have a big demand on their service. Our agency works not a long time and we haven’t such a famous advertising, but if we work at it, we willprovide better service and have more clients.4) Market strategyThe prices in our agency depend on market situation. We provide qualitative and low-priced services. Also, we have flexible system of discounts and special offers to our constant clients.“Star-Travel” is going to organize large-scale advertising campaign. Our researches show that it is effective to use special publications in magazines and TV-commercials.Our tourist agency completely responsible for life of our tourists, their personal things, health and etc during all the time of their trip.

Список литературы

материалы из Интернета и учебник Language Leader
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