
Psychological impact on sportsmen

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Дата создания 12 февраля 2016
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It is a well-known fact that engaging in sports is a good thing to do because it helps to amend the state of health, to be in good shape and to improve general well-being. But there is a strong difference between professional and amateurish sports, which lies in the psychological impact of the activity which professional sportsmen have. ...


It is a well-known fact that engaging in sports is a good thing to do because it helps to amend the state of health, to be in good shape and to improve general well-being. But there is a strong difference between professional and amateurish sports, which lies in the psychological impact of the activity which professional sportsmen have.


It is a well-known fact that engaging in sports is a good thing to do because it helps to amend the state of health, to be in good shape and to improve general well-being. But there is a strong difference between professional and amateurish sports, which lies in the psychological impact of the activity which professional sportsmen have.

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Of course, sometimes such obsession might develop into serious psychological problems, such as stress or nervous breakdown. Besides, thinking of this only idea puts their minds under pressure, what can lead to nervous exhaustion. As we can see, their permanent workouts damage not only their physical state of health but also mental one: when their bodies get tired their minds stop functioning properly as well.Apart from being intense during the period of preparation to the following competition, the pinnacle of emotional tension takes place in the time of the competition.

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It is a well-known fact that engaging in sports is a good thing to do because it helps to amend the state of health, to be in good shape and to improve general well-being. But there is a strong difference between professional and amateurish sports, which lies in the psychological impact of the activity which professional sportsmen have.
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