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Эссе на английском языке на тему "Хавала" , описание системы Хавала, оценка отлично ...


The hawala system emerged in the Indian subcontinent long before the emergence of the banking system of the Western type, and, especially, the spread of Western banking in the Muslim East.


The revival of the financial system of the early middle ages in the modern globalized world is an interesting phenomenon without studying which is hard to understand the patterns of material flow within terrorist and opium networks.

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An important factor is the fact that hawala has an extensive network of branches and provides the transfer of money in small towns that do not have banking institutions; in addition, hawaladars (hawaladar) provide more favorable rates of exchange when issuing the recipient of a remittance in local currency.Formal systems like Western Union are also not interested in the origin of money, if we are talking about small amounts - the earnings of guest workers. However, transfer through a legitimate Bank a large sum, clearly exceeding the earnings of the average immigrant, without documentary evidence of its origin impossible. In the case of hawalas the principle is - the larger the amount, the lower the Commission of hawalladas (hawaladar).The hawala system is working closely with Islamic banks around the world, and is also connected with trade in primary commodities (especially gold) in South Asia. In the U.S. there are more than 200 such banks, all over the world there are a few thousand in Europe, North and South Africa, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States (especially in the free zones of Dubai and Bahrain), Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries of South-East Asia. According to various sources, only official transactions (i.e., a small part of them) are 150 to 250 billion dollars annually. Funds transferred by banks through the system of hawala, are directed primarily at the industrial equipment leasing, loans for construction of industrial facilities and retail real estate, working capital facilities of enterprises and the purchase of major commodities, primarily gold. Given that the funds (migrants ' remittances, and payment for drugs) are moving mostly in one direction - from developed countries with high living standards in developing Nations of Asia and Africa, there is a need to have a developed system of settlement positions (reciprocal obligations), as the unidirectional movement of funds makes it impossible for direct offsets. The most traditional way of carrying out of offsets is the calculation of gold and precious stones - the world's largest centres such calculations are Dubai and London. Gems and gold are transported by couriers smuggling hawala. The monetary role of gold, lost them in the Western financial settlement, preserved in the Arab East where it is still the main computational tool.It is assumed that there are about 5000 brokerage points of hawala. Intelligence agencies and the formal banking structure has been unable to control illegal methods of financial calculations, but also to draw up any coherent picture of the scope hawala and the amounts traded in this area.No doubt that today hawala is an everyday business practice for any developed nation, and as illegal method of international financial transactions is an important element in the global economic system.According to the FATF (Group of development of financial measures of fight against money laundering -The OECD's Financial Action Task Force (FATF)) "hawala remains a significant method of transferring funds, and purchasing of gold for a significant number of businesses of all sizes and individuals. The Reasons for the popularity of hawala are low-cost money transfer services in comparison with the banking system, as well as in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the absolute reliability of transactions and the lack of documenting".As a rule, transfers are carried out between hawaladars one nationality - among Pashtuns, Baluchis, Tajiks, etc. and have its own network included in the global hawala system. If a system is built on ethnic and territorial grounds, hawala is well protected against fraud and unfair participants of transactions.

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