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Эссе на английском на тему "Глобализация". Влияние на культуру, языки, людей и т.д. ...


Many debates devoted to consequences of globalization are often held in different countries. In my opinion, influence of globalization on nation's culture should be paid special attention to.


Nowadays people all over the world become closer than ever before. Goods, services, traditions, cuisine that appear in a country will be immediately promoted in many others.

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One interpretation would be that it simply disperses any and every culture throughout the world, making the planet more heterogeneous. Others argue that it actually makes culture more homogeneous. Thirdly, the influence of globalization on culture may also be a blend of both. It is called "glocalization". It is one of the proposed solutions to the perceived problems of globalization. So, there is absolutely no doubt that our world is totally affected by globalization. Surely, great part of this impact is extremely advantageous. For instance, making the planet more heterogeneous is a necessary contribution. Bambi Turner illustrates it in the article. Teenagers of the United States gain an understanding of Japanese culture though animation, comic books and video games. At the same time children in Asian countries get acquainted with an American style of life with the help of TV shows, movies and so on. This can be referred to any country, of course. What is immensely good here is the fact that people all over the world can learn about another nation even at home, become more broad-minded and what is most valuable to get a better understanding of their own culture by comparing different traditions and customs. Unfortunately, it seems to me that this type of change may bring negative influence as well. Especially it concerns children and teenagers. For example, many American TV shows are not gained at developing morality in children or educating them. Most of them are made just for fun and form excessive competitiveness among children. To avoid this parents should watch carefully what their dear child is busy with not to allow them to get unnecessary information. Another change that globalization brings to our countries and that is described in the article concerns the fact that culture is getting more homogeneous. At first sight there are a lot of negative consequences in this type of change. Globalization results in a unified world culture where most versions of regional cultural trends are watered down. One of the examples illustrating it perfectly is food.

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