
Английский язык (Выполнение упражнений)

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Контрольная работа*
Код 233757
Дата создания 10 июня 2016
Страниц 6
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Английский язык (Выполнение упражнений) ...


Задание 1
2. She said that she was staring a new job the following week.
3. He told them that he had got his exam results the previous week.
4. Sally said the she couldn’t afford to buy that dress.
5. He said to her that he would buy a car if he had enough money.
6. Frank told that it was the house where he had been born.
7. Jill said that that had been a wonderful party.
8. The teacher said that oranges grew in hot countries.
9. He said that a lot of people visited museums.


Задание 1
2. She said that she was staring a new job the following week.
3. He told them that he had got his exam results the previous week.
4. Sally said the she couldn’t afford to buy that dress.
5. He said to her that he would buy a car if he had enough money.
6. Frank told that it was the house where he had been born.
7. Jill said that that had been a wonderful party.
8. The teacher said that oranges grew in hot countries.
9. He said that a lot of people visited museums.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

3. Simon asked him what he found difficult about acting.4. Simon asked him how many films she had starred in.5. Simon asked him what her favorite film was6. Simon asked him if they had met a lot of famous people.7. Simon asked him if we had visited a lot of interesting places.8. Simon asked him what his plans for the future were.9. Simon asked him if he was happy with his life.Задание31. The teacher asked the students not to talk during the exam.2. He asked the students to raise their hands if they need something.3. He asked the students to write all their answers in pen.4. He asked the students to answer all the questions.5. He asked the students not to forget to write their names at the top the page.6. He asked the students their answers again before they hand the paper in. 7. He asked the students to leave quietly when they finish.Задание 42. Dennis told Ann that she had lied to him.3. Tara said to Diana that she had promised not to tell anybody about her secret.4. Mum said to me not to forget to post the letters.5. Sahara told Frances that she was sorry that she had ruined his shirt.6. George told Tim that he hadn’t used his computer.7. Mum asked to the children not to get too close to the fire.8. Simon offered to have a party.9. Mum told the twins that she would punish them if they behaved badly.10. She admitted that had broken the vase.11. David asked me if he could use my phone.12. Sandra told me that she would help me with the washing up.13. Mr. Jones asked the class to stop talking.14. He asked us not to tell anyone about that.Задание 52. I can’t do any washing before the washing machine is repaired.3. We saw the smoke when we turned into our street.4. We had hardly gone to bed when there was a knock at the door.5. Sahara parked the car while Paul dashed into the bank.6. I have to finish these letters by the time I can leave the office.7. Wait here till I get back.8. I was washing my hair when the phone rang.9. You must be home by the eleven o’clock.10. By the time Sue reached the bank, it had closed.Задание 62. They sell such lovely things in that shop.3. I bought such a lot of shopping that I couldn’t carry all the bags.4. It was so late when I got home that I didn’t have dinner.5. She dresses so elegantly that everyone admires her.6. I had such a bad headache yesterday that I had to leave work and go home.7. I’m so hungry that I could eat anything for lunch.8. He had put so little salt in the soup that it was tasteless.9. It was such an amusing film that I laughed all the way through.10.

Список литературы

Задание 1
2. She said that she was staring a new job the following week.
3. He told them that he had got his exam results the previous week.
4. Sally said the she couldn’t afford to buy that dress.
5. He said to her that he would buy a car if he had enough money.
6. Frank told that it was the house where he had been born.
7. Jill said that that had been a wonderful party.
8. The teacher said that oranges grew in hot countries.
9. He said that a lot of people visited museums.
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* Категория работы носит оценочный характер в соответствии с качественными и количественными параметрами предоставляемого материала. Данный материал ни целиком, ни любая из его частей не является готовым научным трудом, выпускной квалификационной работой, научным докладом или иной работой, предусмотренной государственной системой научной аттестации или необходимой для прохождения промежуточной или итоговой аттестации. Данный материал представляет собой субъективный результат обработки, структурирования и форматирования собранной его автором информации и предназначен, прежде всего, для использования в качестве источника для самостоятельной подготовки работы указанной тематики.
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