
Административная форма защиты прав граждан на охрану здоровья

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Дата создания 05 июля 2016
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Введение 3
Глава 1. Права граждан на охрану здоровья 7
1.1 Право граждан на медико-социальную помощь и лекарственное обеспечение 7
1.2 Право граждан на информацию о состоянии своего здоровья 16
Глава 2. Формы и методы защиты нарушенных прав граждан в области охраны здоровья 23
2.1 Претензионный порядок защиты нарушенных прав граждан в области охраны здоровья 23
2.2 Обращение в прокуратуру и в суд 30
Глава 3. Проблемы реализации и пути развития законодательного регулирования права граждан на охрану здоровья 40
3.1 Проблемы реализации права на охрану здоровья граждан РФ 40
3.2 Перспективы дальнейшего формирования законодательства в сфере охраны здоровья граждан РФ 55
Заключение 67
Библиографический список 71


"Актуальность темы исследованния состоит в том, что если говорить о законодательном обеспечении охраны здоровья населения Российской Федерации, то можно утверждать, что за последние 15 лет оно практически полностью сформировано. В современном правовом поле можно выделить следующие области регулирования: гарантии безопасных условий жизни человека, профилактика заболеваний и здоровый образ жизни, права граждан на охрану здоровья и медицинскую помощь, права и ответственность медицинских работников, организация и деятельность национальной системы здравоохранения, финансирование здравоохранения, а также законодательство по отдельным заболеваниям и разделам медицины. И на первом месте для нас сейчас, безусловно, законы профилактической направленности.
Почему? Потому что мы построили мн ого больниц, центров здоровья, но, к сожалению, заболеваемость за последние 20 лет выросла в полтора раза. Мы можем строить все новые и новые клиники, но если не будем заниматься факторами, которые влияют на заболеваемость, то этот процесс будет бесконечным.
В этой связи крайне важно прививать населению навыки заботы о своем здоровье и внимательного к нему отношения. Россияне ведут нездоровый образ жизни, поэтому у нас такая низкая продолжительность жизни и высокая смертность. В этой ситуации отрадно, что в госпрограмме развития здравоохранения на мероприятия профилактической направленности заложены большие суммы, и, прежде всего на предупреждение заболеваний. Развивается в этом направлении и законодательство. Ряд законов профилактической направленности был принят в 2000-2013 годах - "Об ограничении курения табака", "О предупреждении распространения туберкулеза в РФ", "О качестве и безопасности пищевых продуктов". Расширен Национальный календарь профилактических прививок. Сейчас вносятся новые законы, например, о йодировании соли. Планируется внесение изменений в Трудовой и Налоговый кодексы, закон "Об обязательном медицинском страховании в РФ" и ряд других документов - для формирования социально-экономической мотивации граждан к сохранению и укреплению своего здоровья.
В последнее время много говорится о необходимости защиты прав пациентов, но, на взгляд законодателей, нет оснований делать отдельный нормативный акт, регулирующий сферу защиты прав пациента. Эта проблематика хорошо прописана в законах "Об основах охраны здоровья граждан в РФ", "О защите прав потребителей". Похожая ситуация и с правами и ответственностью медицинских работников, которые прописаны в Кодексе об административных правонарушениях, Уголовном кодексе, законе "О профессиональной медицинской этике".
В то же время уже почти 20 лет обсуждается законопроект, который назывался раньше "О страховании профессиональной ответственности врача". Поскольку врач не в состоянии отвечать финансово за свои действия, т.к. не является субъектом права, от такой формулировки решили отойти, и рассматривалась концепция страхования гражданской ответственности медицинских учреждений перед пациентами. В нынешнем варианте, который разрабатывается сейчас Минздравом и предлагается к обсуждению, это уже закон об обязательном страховании пациентов при оказании медицинской помощи. А вот закона о правах медицинских работников, думаю, никогда не будет, потому что юристы категорически против этого. У нас существует сотня профессий, по каждой из которых понадобится закон о защите прав, - учителей, летчиков, космонавтов и т.д. Для этого есть Трудовой кодекс.
Объектом исследования выступает сложный комплекс правоототношений возникающих при защите прав граждан на охрану здоровья"

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

This means that the replacement medicines can be not only a doctor but a pharmacist.Interestingly, the total availability to the citizens of medicines differentiates the terms of service of recipes depending on the type prescribed medications. Recipes marked "immediately" served within one working day, marked "urgent" - within two working days. Recipes for medicines, included in the minimum range of medicines that are serviced in a period not exceeding 5 days.Thus, we can conclude that individuals eligible for drug coverage under the social services delivered in the worst conditions. Their recipes, regardless of the urgency of receipt of the relevant medicines are maintained for a longer period.1.2 the Right of citizens to information about their health statusThe problem of patient information in healthcare is one of the most discussed among lawyers and doctors. Its contents comprise such issues as: the complexity of the patient's perception of health information, inaccessibility, providing information to the patient in case she obviously can cause the patient more harm than good, the adequacy of the information for acceptance by the patient informed decisions about the need for treatment, the duty of disclosure made by doctor error, etc. Some of them received legal regulation at the Federal level. However it is worth noting that implemented now by the legislator approaches require further regulation.In accordance with part 1 of article 22 of the Federal law from November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ "About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Federal law "About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation") everyone has the right to receive in available form available in the medical organization information about their health status, including information about the results of the medical examination, the presence of the disease, diagnosis, and prognosis, methods of medical treatment, associated risks, possible medical intervention, its impact and outcomes of medical care. With this right of the patient corresponds to the duty to provide reliable information about medical care, the effectiveness of the methods of treatment commonly used drugs and medical devices (section 6 of part 1 of article 79 of the Federal law "About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation").Introduction by the legislator of such power to the patient (obligations for health worker appears to be correct, however, in medical practice in the implementation of such provisions encountered some difficulties.Thus, one of the contentious issues is the need to provide patient information in the case it involves communication to the patient of adverse information (likely the onset of death, poor prognosis, etc.). The problem is that in some cases the receipt of such information might cause deterioration of the patient's health condition, the development of iatrogenic illness, etc.Taking into account the mandatory nature of the establishment is defined in article 22 of the Federal law "About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation, we must conclude that the health worker has no options other conduct, but the fulfilment of its statutory duty.However, when considering this question it is impossible not to refer to the requirements of medical deontology , which formed throughout the centuries, could not fail to impose certain prints on the merits of the medical profession. They are in a sense leading guidelines for health professional.For example, the founder of medical science, Hippocrates, bequeathed in his time: "Keep the patient in ignorance of the fact that he is at" . In turn, a leading Russian scientist S. Botkin noted that "it is impermissible for the doctor to give the patient their doubts about the possibility of a favorable outcome of the disease."We emphasize that the approach taken by the legislator, according to which the citizen has the right on social services rather than on specific social benefit - free drug or a trip to a Spa treatment, - cannot be considered unambiguous. This thesis due to the meaning of such concepts as "social service". The law in question does not contain a definition of the specified term, however, based on the principle of unity of terminology in the social security law, you can use the definition of social services as enshrined, for example, in the Federal law of 28 December 2013 N 442-FZ "About bases of social service of citizens in the Russian Federation" according to which social service refers to an action or actions in the sphere of social services for the provision of permanent, periodic, one-time assistance, including emergency assistance to a citizen in order to improve the conditions of its life and / or expand its capabilities to independently provide for their basic living needs (V. 3). It is obvious that the provision of drugs and other social benefits do not fall under the definition of social services.Another important point is that according to the preamble of the Law on state social assistance to these services are not benefits and measures of social support and are available to a citizen under certain conditions. If a citizen wished to receive NSOs, the amount of monthly payments (hereinafter referred to previously granted to him after deducting the cost of services. If a citizen has provided a disclaimer on the receipt of social services, monthly cash payments remitted in full.The most important social service and aimed at realizing the right of citizens to health protection and medical care, is a service to provide for the necessary drugs. Within the NSO does not provide all medicines, but only those required for a standard of medical care and the list approved by the Order of the health Ministry of the Russian Federation of 18 September 2006 N 665 (hereinafter - the List approved by Order of the health Ministry N 665).In Order to provide social services to separate categories of citizens (further - the provision of social services) said that the necessary drugs citizens turn in medical institutions, where they are given a prescription in the prescribed form. Then the citizen gets the drug in pharmacies, the information of which provide citizen in the health care setting. And although the current legislation does not define the procedure "labeling" of citizens belonging to the categories listed in article 6.1 of the Law on state social assistance to pharmacy organizations, this organization supplies the appropriate social security. However, you must understand that the pharmacy is only the last link in a complex system of interaction of various actors. We can assume that, if medicines that should be provided to the beneficiary, the pharmacy will not appear, even through no fault of the organization, the pharmacy will be responsible for the proper social security. In this case the situation is exacerbated by the fact that this type of social security is directly related to the health and sometimes the life of a citizen. With this in mind, consider the situation when pharmacies do not have the required medicines.In accordance with the Procedure of provision of social services in the temporary absence of medicines needed by the citizen, pharmacy organizes within 10 working days from the date of circulation of its deferred maintenance or undertaking a vacation similar medicines under the list approved by the Order of the health Ministry N 665, instead issued a drug on newly written recipe. This means that the replacement medicines can be not only a doctor but a pharmacist.Interestingly, the total availability to the citizens of medicines differentiates the terms of service of recipes depending on the type prescribed medications. Recipes marked "immediately" served within one working day, marked "urgent" - within two working days. Recipes for medicines, included in the minimum range of medicines that are serviced in a period not exceeding 5 days.Thus, we can conclude that individuals eligible for drug coverage under the social services delivered in the worst conditions. Their recipes, regardless of the urgency of receipt of the relevant medicines are maintained for a longer period.1.2 the Right of citizens to information about their health statusThe problem of patient information in healthcare is one of the most discussed among lawyers and doctors. Its contents comprise such issues as: the complexity of the patient's perception of health information, inaccessibility, providing information to the patient in case she obviously can cause the patient more harm than good, the adequacy of the information for acceptance by the patient informed decisions about the need for treatment, the duty of disclosure made by doctor error, etc. Some of them received legal regulation at the Federal level. However it is worth noting that implemented now by the legislator approaches require further regulation.In accordance with part 1 of article 22 of the Federal law from November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ "About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Federal law "About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation") everyone has the right to receive in available form available in the medical organization information about their health status, including information about the results of the medical examination, the presence of the disease, diagnosis, and prognosis, methods of medical treatment, associated risks, possible medical intervention, its impact and outcomes of medical care. With this right of the patient corresponds to the duty to provide reliable information about medical care, the effectiveness of the methods of treatment commonly used drugs and medical devices (section 6 of part 1 of article 79 of the Federal law "About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation").Introduction by the legislator of such power to the patient (obligations for health worker appears to be correct, however, in medical practice in the implementation of such provisions encountered some difficulties.Thus, one of the contentious issues is the need to provide patient information in the case it involves communication to the patient of adverse information (likely the onset of death, poor prognosis, etc.). The problem is that in some cases the receipt of such information might cause deterioration of the patient's health condition, the development of iatrogenic illness, etc.Taking into account the mandatory nature of the establishment is defined in article 22 of the Federal law "About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation, we must conclude that the health worker has no options other conduct, but the fulfilment of its statutory duty.However, when considering this question it is impossible not to refer to the requirements of medical deontology , which formed throughout the centuries, could not fail to impose certain prints on the merits of the medical profession. They are in a sense leading guidelines for health professional.For example, the founder of medical science, Hippocrates, bequeathed in his time: "Keep the patient in ignorance of the fact that he is at" . In turn, a leading Russian scientist S. Botkin noted that "it is impermissible for the doctor to give the patient their doubts about the possibility of a favorable outcome of the disease."We emphasize that the approach taken by the legislator, according to which the citizen has the right on social services rather than on specific social benefit - free drug or a trip to a Spa treatment, - cannot be considered unambiguous. This thesis due to the meaning of such concepts as "social service". The law in question does not contain a definition of the specified term, however, based on the principle of unity of terminology in the social security law, you can use the definition of social services as enshrined, for example, in the Federal law of 28 December 2013 N 442-FZ "About bases of social service of citizens in the Russian Federation" according to which social service refers to an action or actions in the sphere of social services for the provision of permanent, periodic, one-time assistance, including emergency assistance to a citizen in order to improve the conditions of its life and / or expand its capabilities to independently provide for their basic living needs (V. 3). It is obvious that the provision of drugs and other social benefits do not fall under the definition of social services.Another important point is that according to the preamble of the Law on state social assistance to these services are not benefits and measures of social support and are available to a citizen under certain conditions. If a citizen wished to receive NSOs, the amount of monthly payments (hereinafter referred to previously granted to him after deducting the cost of services. If a citizen has provided a disclaimer on the receipt of social services, monthly cash payments remitted in full.The most important social service and aimed at realizing the right of citizens to health protection and medical care, is a service to provide for the necessary drugs. Within the NSO does not provide all medicines, but only those required for a standard of medical care and the list approved by the Order of the health Ministry of the Russian Federation of 18 September 2006 N 665 (hereinafter - the List approved by Order of the health Ministry N 665).In Order to provide social services to separate categories of citizens (further - the provision of social services) said that the necessary drugs citizens turn in medical institutions, where they are given a prescription in the prescribed form. Then the citizen gets the drug in pharmacies, the information of which provide citizen in the health care setting. And although the current legislation does not define the procedure "labeling" of citizens belonging to the categories listed in article 6.1 of the Law on state social assistance to pharmacy organizations, this organization supplies the appropriate social security. However, you must understand that the pharmacy is only the last link in a complex system of interaction of various actors. We can assume that, if medicines that should be provided to the beneficiary, the pharmacy will not appear, even through no fault of the organization, the pharmacy will be responsible for the proper social security. In this case the situation is exacerbated by the fact that this type of social security is directly related to the health and sometimes the life of a citizen. With this in mind, consider the situation when pharmacies do not have the required medicines.In accordance with the Procedure of provision of social services in the temporary absence of medicines needed by the citizen, pharmacy organizes within 10 working days from the date of circulation of its deferred maintenance or undertaking a vacation similar medicines under the list approved by the Order of the health Ministry N 665, instead issued a drug on newly written recipe. This means that the replacement medicines can be not only a doctor but a pharmacist.Interestingly, the total availability to the citizens of medicines differentiates the terms of service of recipes depending on the type prescribed medications. Recipes marked "immediately" served within one working day, marked "urgent" - within two working days. Recipes for medicines, included in the minimum range of medicines that are serviced in a period not exceeding 5 days.Thus, we can conclude that individuals eligible for drug coverage under the social services delivered in the worst conditions. Their recipes, regardless of the urgency of receipt of the relevant medicines are maintained for a longer period.1.2 the Right of citizens to information about their health statusThe problem of patient information in healthcare is one of the most discussed among lawyers and doctors. Its contents comprise such issues as: the complexity of the patient's perception of health information, inaccessibility, providing information to the patient in case she obviously can cause the patient more harm than good, the adequacy of the information for acceptance by the patient informed decisions about the need for treatment, the duty of disclosure made by doctor error, etc. Some of them received legal regulation at the Federal level. However it is worth noting that implemented now by the legislator approaches require further regulation.In accordance with part 1 of article 22 of the Federal law from November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ "About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Federal law "About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation") everyone has the right to receive in available form available in the medical organization information about their health status, including information about the results of the medical examination, the presence of the disease, diagnosis, and prognosis, methods of medical treatment, associated risks, possible medical intervention, its impact and outcomes of medical care. With this right of the patient corresponds to the duty to provide reliable information about medical care, the effectiveness of the methods of treatment commonly used drugs and medical devices (section 6 of part 1 of article 79 of the Federal law "About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation").Introduction by the legislator of such power to the patient (obligations for health worker appears to be correct, however, in medical practice in the implementation of such provisions encountered some difficulties.Thus, one of the contentious issues is the need to provide patient information in the case it involves communication to the patient of adverse information (likely the onset of death, poor prognosis, etc.). The problem is that in some cases the receipt of such information might cause deterioration of the patient's health condition, the development of iatrogenic illness, etc.Taking into account the mandatory nature of the establishment is defined in article 22 of the Federal law "About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation, we must conclude that the health worker has no options other conduct, but the fulfilment of its statutory duty.However, when considering this question it is impossible not to refer to the requirements of medical deontology , which formed throughout the centuries, could not fail to impose certain prints on the merits of the medical profession. They are in a sense leading guidelines for health professional.For example, the founder of medical science, Hippocrates, bequeathed in his time: "Keep the patient in ignorance of the fact that he is at" . In turn, a leading Russian scientist S. Botkin noted that "it is impermissible for the doctor to give the patient their doubts about the possibility of a favorable outcome of the disease."We emphasize that the approach taken by the legislator, according to which the citizen has the right on social services rather than on specific social benefit - free drug or a trip to a Spa treatment, - cannot be considered unambiguous. This thesis due to the meaning of such concepts as "social service".

Список литературы

Библиографический список

Нормативно-правовые акты
1. "Уголовный кодекс Российской Федерации" от 13.06.1996 N 63-ФЗ (ред. от 22.12.2014) // "Собрание законодательства РФ", 17.06.1996, N 25, ст. 2954.
2. "Гражданский процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации" от 14.11.2002 N 138-ФЗ (ред. от 29.12.2014) // "Собрание законодательства РФ", 18.11.2002, N 46, ст. 4532.
3. Федеральный закон от 24.07.2009 N 212-ФЗ (ред. от 31.12.2014) "О страховых взносах в Пенсионный фонд Российской Федерации, Фонд социального страхования Российской Федерации, Федеральный фонд обязательного медицинского страхования" // "Собрание законодательства РФ", 27.07.2009, N 30, ст. 3738.
4. Закон РФ от 07.02.1992 N 2300-1 "О защите прав потребителей" // Ведомости съезда народных депутатов РФ и ВС РФ от 09.04.1992 N 15. Ст. 766.
5. Федеральные законы: от 26 мая 1996 г. N 54-ФЗ "О Музейном фонде Российской Федерации и музеях в Российской Федерации"; от 29 декабря 1994 г. N 78-ФЗ "О библиотечном деле"; от 25 июня 2002 г. N 73-ФЗ "Об объектах культурного наследия (памятниках истории и культуры) народов Российской Федерации"; от 22 августа 1996 г. N 126-ФЗ "О государственной поддержке кинематографии Российской Федерации" // СПС «Консультант Плюс»
6. Концепция демографической политики Российской Федерации на период до 2025 года, утвержденная Указом Президента РФ от 9 октября 2007 г. N 1351; Концепция долгосрочного развития театрального дела в Российской Федерации на период до 2020 года, утвержденная распоряжением Правительства РФ от 10 июня 2011 г. N 1019-р; Концепция развития образования в сфере культуры и искусства в Российской Федерации на 2008 - 2015 годы, утвержденная распоряжением Правительства РФ от 25 августа 2008 г. N 1244-р, и др. // СПС «Консультант Плюс»
7. Федеральная целевая программа развития образования на 2011 - 2015 годы, утвержденная Постановлением Правительства РФ от 7 февраля 2011 г. N 61; Федеральная целевая программа "Жилище" на 2011 - 2015 годы, утвержденная Постановлением Правительства РФ от 17 декабря 2010 г. N 1050, и др.// СПС «Консультант Плюс»
8. Постановление Пленума Верховного Суда РФ от 20.12.1994 N 10 "Некоторые вопросы применения законодательства о компенсации морального вреда" // URL: http://www.sclj.ru/court_practice/ detail.php?SECTION_ID= 154&ELEMENT_ID=1064 (дата обращения: 20.02.2015).
9. Закон РФ от 07.02.1992 N 2300-1 "О защите прав потребителей" // Ведомости съезда народных депутатов РФ и ВС РФ от 09.04.1992 N 15. Ст. 766.
10. Приказ Минздравсоцразвития РФ от 14 декабря 2005 г. N 785 "О порядке отпуска лекарственных средств" // Российская газета. 2006. 20 января.

Акты судебных органов
11. Постановление Пленума Верховного Суда РФ от 20.12.1994 N 10 "Некоторые вопросы применения законодательства о компенсации морального вреда" // URL: http://www.sclj.ru/court_practice/ detail.php?SECTION_ID= 154&ELEMENT_ID=1064 (дата обращения: 20.02.2012).
12. Постановление Пленума ВС РФ N 7 от 29.09.1994 "О практике рассмотрения судами дел о защите прав потребителей" // СПС "КонсультантПлюс".

Учебники, монографии, брошюры
13. Александрова О.Ю., Нагибин О.А., Кременков А.Р. Нормативно-правовое регулирование предоставления дополнительной бесплатной медицинской помощи, предусматривающей обеспечение необходимыми лекарственными средствами по рецептам врача // Медицинское право. 2011. N 5 [Электронный ресурс] // СПС "КонсультантПлюс".
14. Агаларова Л.С. Мнение населения об организации и качестве медицинской помощи, оказываемой участковыми терапевтами и врачами общей практики // Здравоохранение РФ. 2009. N 1. С. 26 - 28.
15. Александрова А.А., Маркин М.Н. Юридическая ответственность за вред, причиненный жизни и здоровью пациента // Экономика здравоохранения. 2009. N 5 - 6. С. 61 - 64.
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