
Презентация к диплому на английском языке

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Дата создания 16 августа 2016
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Презентация к диплому на английском языке ...


The first law of "negation of the negation" in the philosophy of Hegel formulated. He argued his examples from the history of thought. The development of any concepts occurs as a movement from the abstract to the concrete. This process allowed the internal contradiction of the concept. It moves to the stage of its otherness, transforming into something different than it was before. Then it was "back to itself", but in the form of a concrete concept, which contains and its former, abstract essence and the new acquired in the process of self-alienation. In the "Science of Logic" Hegel even described the denial law as the universal form of the unity of contradictions (their transition into each other), and the struggle between them (splitting a whole).
We can say that this is a special form of another dialectical concept. This is a kind of law of the unity and struggle of opposites. But the philosopher limited action dialectic only area of concepts and their formation. After all, for him being and thinking it was a single entity, in which the first is derived from the second. Accordingly, the triad negations is the stage of the global development of the mind. [Gubskiy 1999, 180].


As is known, the language - is a historically established system of sound, vocabulary and grammatical means, objectifying the work of thinking and is a tool of communication, exchange of ideas and mutual understanding of people in society.
Every language, including English and German - is a dynamic system, which has its characteristic grammatical system, components of which are the two interconnected sections: morphology and syntax. This paper aims to explore one of the grammatical phenomena such as the syntax section, which considers the words in a sentence, the sentence itself, its structure, features and types. Just paid considerable attention to the morphological and lexical component.

Список литературы

List of References

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