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Работа была выполнена качественно при соблюдении всех норм и правил.Дополнительная информация по оформлению/условиям/задачам и информации о работе - http://wdfiles.ru/23Rg , http://wdfiles.ru/2tVA ...





Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Federal programs require a lot of funds. The amount spent on each of them varies from year to year, from state to state and place to place. For example, defense spending is increasing every year. Federal grants for health programs have grown rapidly, and grants for programs and initiatives not related to health—such as those associated with income security, education, and transportation—have also increased, albeit at a slower rate.
Budget money can be divided into two main categories. There are national and local budgets. For example, aid to the poor; Health care; police and fire protection are authorized under a national budget
4. In up-to-date economies taxes play a very significant role as they are the most important source of government revenue, (to be compulsory levies; to impose; to be destined for a special purpose; to regard; a contribution to; the general revenue pool; government expenditures; to finance; to differ from; to be unrequited, to be (not) paid in exchange for; a particular benefit; to represent a general obligation; taxpayers)
There are compulsory levies that people have to pay. For example, its income tax which is a government levy (tax) imposed on individuals or entities (taxpayers) that varies with the income or profits (taxable income) of the taxpayer
5. The dominant form of government finance is taxation. The population of any country is required to fund its government bу paying taxes (compulsory payments; to be legally bound to; to impose upon smb. to be paid by the taxpayer; to enable the government; to incur certain expenses; the common interests of the society; to entitle smb. to receive direct benefits or services from; in return for; the relationship between; the tax paid by; the benefits; to receive as a result of government expenditure; earlier times; to uulue taxation; fiscal purposes)
The dominant form of government finance is taxation. The population of any country is required to fund its government by paying taxes. There are compulsory payments when people are legally bound to do it.
In earlier time the tax paid by natural products. The relationship between the State and its citizens were based on defense from one side in return for natural payments. The citizens have to incur certain expenses to receive direct benefits or services from the State.
6. Most of public activities have to be financed by taxation. In addition, the government raises taxation in order to redistribute income within the private sector of the economy.

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