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Контрольная работа*
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контрольная работа 2го курса "Высшее образование". Тема "Кораблестроение". ...


Вариант 5
Грамматическая часть
1. Замените в предложениях активный залог пассивным:
Образец: Many boys attend this club. – This club is attended by many boys.
1. My friend translated the article. 1. The article was translated by my friend.
2. The company has just loaded the goods. 2. The goods has just been loaded by company.
3. The partners will pay the account soon. 3. The account will be paid by partners soon.
4. They offer discounts to our company. 4. Our company is offered discounts by they.
5. The manager discussed this matter with the personnel. 5. This matter was discussed by manager with the personnel.
2. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия:
1. The boy watched the educational program wants to win the quiz. The program watching will help him to answer difficult questions.
2. I saw my friend chosen the present for her daughter. The choosing present looks nice.
3. The man asked the girl is our teacher. The girl asking by the teacher is my friend.
4. The men built the bridge are professional workers. The building part of the bridge is being painted now.
5. The woman washed the clothes is her mother. The washing clothes are put in the basket.

3. Задайте 5 типов вопросов к каждому предложению:
1.The text has just been copied by Jack.
What has just been copied by Jack?
The text has just been copied by Jack, hasn’t it?
Has text just been copied by Jack?
When has text been copied by Jack?
Has text just been copied or written by Jack?

2. The poem will be learnt by my sister.
What will be learnt by my sister?
Will poem be learnt by my sister?
The poem will be learnt by my sister, will not he?
Will poem be learnt by my sister or brother?
Who will be learnt the poem?
3.These houses were built some centuries ago.
What were built some centuries ago?
These houses were built some centuries ago, weren’t it?
Were houses built some centuries ago?
Were houses or schools built some centuries ago?
When were houses built?

4.Перепишите предложения в прошедшем времени, используя правило согласования времен:
Образец: He says he is going to the hotel to have a rest. – He said he was going to the hotel to have a rest.
1.She declares that they will prove this statement. 1. She declared that they will prove this statement.
2. She declares that he is working with her partners now. 2. She declared that he was working with her partners now.
3. She declares that she wanted to watch a new film. 3. She declared that she had wanted to watch a new film.
4. She declares that the goods have jut been unloaded. 4. She declared that the goods had jut been unloaded.
5. She declares that they have been making the price list for half an hour. 5. She declared that they had been making the price list for half an hour.

5.Переведите предложения:
1. Show a project developed by our economist. Colleagues said he will bring big profits.
2. The Director wants to discuss the shortcomings of this model. The model, made of steel, will be much stronger.
3. It is said that a person knows who wrote this book. Above this book he worked half a year.
4. It is often said the specialist. We were told that he will help us with reports.
5. I have been asked about this story an hour ago.
6. Перепишите предложения, заменяя придаточное дополнительное предложение на Complex Object:
Образец: I want that my sister will play with me. – I want my sister to play with me.
1. He likes when you give him presents. 1. He likes him to give presents.
2. She hates when her children fight. 2. She hates her children to fight.
3. They want that their employees will win the competition. 3. They want their employees to win the competition.
4. I want that my friend won’t offend me. 4. I want my friend to offend me.
5. He expects that their plan will be the best. 5. He expects their plan to be the best.

7. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на Complex Subject:
1. It is reported that they conducted a market analysis oud.
2. It is expected that oil prices will decline.
3. It turned out that the director has approved the project.
4. Stated that the unemployment rate has exceeded expected forecasts.
5. thinks that he will consult our lawyers on this issue.
8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме:
1. If I saw him yesterday, I would give him your recommendations.
2. If your instructions had been received earlier, the goods would been sent in time.
3. You will pass the exam tomorrow if you prepare well.
4. If we received the documents tomorrow, we would start loading the goods on Monday.
5. If my colleague had time now, he could help us with the business plan.
9. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. If I knew the address, I would have sent a fax before.
2. If it is checked the records better, the chief accountant would trust her.
3. If you decide that question tomorrow, we will send you a price - list immediately.
4. It is a pity that this report is so complex.
5. It is a pity that the container had a lot of spoiled goods.
10. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:
1. I said to him, “Please, translate this sentence.”
2. He said, “Our company spends much money for charity.”
3. She asked, “When do you want the goods to be supplied?”
4. The manager asked, “Will you open the letter of credit?”
5. Mr. Brown asked, “Did you come here yesterday?”

Лексическая часть
Прочитайте и переведите текст:
When the SOS Was of No Avail
“The Baltic Shipping Company and the Chief Marine Inspectorate received a report on February15, that cargo had started shifting on the deck of the m/s “Mekhanik Tarasov” in a fierce storm, with waves reaching 10-12 m in height and a wind of over 30 mps /meters per second/”,Bronislav Mainagashev, head of the Inspectorate, said.
“The waves smashed and carried off two lower deck ventilators and water rushed into the holds. The ship heeled to starboard.
“The waves then wrecked the helmport pipe gasket so that the water began penetrating the helmstock section, damaging the steering machinery. The pumps could not cope with the water already in the hold. The ship heeled over to an unnatural 50 angle.
“This happened 260 miles eastwards of Newfoundland.
“It is hard to imagine here, on land, the situation at sea at the time”, Captain Gennady Leontyev, who spent 20 years in marine salvage operations, said.
“The ships got hidden by the crests of the waves, but the seamen managed to save people in the water even in these conditions. We are especially grateful to the Danish seamen, who offered an example of genuine sea comradeship. They fished the freezing people out of the water. Their small ship was being tossed about like a splinter of wood, but it didn’t leave the people in distress.
We asked the Captain if there was any realistic opportunity for saving the whole crew.
“There was not, taking into account the weather as it was and the lack of special salvage ships,” said the Captain with difficulty.” The water temperature was +2 to +3 C and the air temperature 6 to 8 C below zero. In such conditions a person can survive in water no more than 3-5 minutes because of exposure. This was one of the most tragic operations in 20 years. Both the seamen in distress and their attempted rescuers did all that could be done. But they didn’t have the few hours needed to complete the operation and, in particular, to build a ferry out of pneumatic pontoons from the “Ivan Dvorsky” to the “Mekhanik Tarasov”.
“The pilots of the Canadian coast guard gave us great assistance in searching for the seamen in the water.”
The seamen’s sense of mutual assistance made it possible to save, even in such an emergency, the lives of several “Mekhanik Tarasov” crewmen.

Когда сигнал помощи не помогает
Балтийской судостроительной компании и главной морскойи спекции поступило сообщение 15 Февраля, что груз начал переход на палубе м / с" Механик Тарасов "в сильный шторм волны достигают 10-12 м в высоту и ветер свыше 30 ОББ / метров в секунду / ", Бронислав Майнагашев, руководитель инспекции, сказал.
"Волны разбили и растащили два нижних вентилятора палубы и вода хлынула в трюмы. Корабль накренился на правый борт.
"Волны затем разрушили трубы прокладку румпеля таким образом, чтобы вода начала проникать в секцию румпель, повреждения рулевого механизма. Насосы не могли справиться с водой уже в трюме. Корабль накренился к свыше 50 градусов.
"Это произошло в 260 милях к востоку от Ньюфаундленда.
"Трудно представить себе здесь, на земле, ситуация на море в то время", капитан Геннадий Леонтьев, который провел 20 лет в морских спасательных операций, сказал.
"Корабли получили серьезные повреждения волнами, но морякам удалось спасти людей в воде, даже в этих условиях. Мы особенно благодарны датским морякам, которые предложили пример подлинного морского товарищества. Они ловили рыбу. Их небольшое судно в настоящее время метался как заноза из дерева, но она не оставляла людей в беде.
Мы спросили капитана, есть ли реальная возможность для спасения всего экипажа.
"Там не было, принимая во внимание погоду, как это было и отсутствие специальных спасательных судов," сказал капитан с трудом. "Температура воды была +2 до +3 C и температуре окружающего воздуха от 6 до 8 С ниже нуля. В таких условиях человек может выжить в воде не более 3-5 минут из-за воздействия. Это была одна из самых трагических операций в 20 лет. И моряки, терпящие бедствие и их попытки спасателям сделал все, что можно было бы сделать. Но у них не было несколько часов, необходимых для завершения операции и, в частности, построить паром из пневматических понтонов из "Иван Дворский" к "Механик Тарасов".
"Пилоты канадской Береговой охраны дал нам большую помощь в поиске моряков в воде."
Чувство морякам о взаимной помощи позволило сохранить, даже в такой ситуации, жизни нескольких членов экипажа "Механик" Тарасов.
Vocabulary practice:
1. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What was the weather like on February 15, 260 miles away eastwards of Newfoundland? - A fierce storm, with waves reaching 10-12 m in height and a wind of over 30 mps /meters per second
2. What had happened to the cargo? - “The waves smashed and carried off two lower deck ventilators and water rushed into the holds. The ship heeled to starboard.
3. How was the steering machinery damaged? - The waves then wrecked the helmport pipe gasket so that the water began penetrating the helmstock section, damaging the steering machinery.
4. Why did the captain ask for help? - “We asked the Captain if there was any realistic opportunity for saving the whole crew.
5. How were the salvage operations held? There was not, taking into account the weather as it was and the lack of special salvage ships,” said the Captain with difficulty.” The water temperature was +2 to +3 C and the air temperature 6 to 8 C below zero.
6. Who helped to save the crew of m/s “Mekhanik Tarasov”? - Danish seamen helped to save the crew of m/s “Mekhanik Tarasov”
7. Why wasn’t it possible to save the whole crew? - they didn’t have the few hours needed to complete the operation and, in particular, to build a ferry out of pneumatic pontoons from the “Ivan Dvorsky” to the “Mekhanik Tarasov”. “The pilots of the Canadian coast guard gave us great assistance in searching for the seamen in the water.”
2. Составьте пары:
Груз начал сдвигаться cargo had started shifting
Не могли справиться rushed into the holds
Хлынула вода couldn’t cope with water
Разбила и унесла smashed and carried off
Просил помощь asked for help
Достигали 10-12 метров reached 10-12 m
Получили сообщение received a report
Вылавливали людей, терпящих бедствие fished the people in distress
Бросало как щепку was tossed like a splinter of wood
Проникла в трюм penetrated into holds

3. Найдите русские и английские эквиваленты:
The seamen manage to … - моряком удалось,
спасти замерзающих людей – to fished the freezing people out of the water,
выжить - survive,
открыть двери – open the door,
эвакуировать людей – evacuate population,
терпящих бедствие ship in distress,
the rescuers didn’t have the few hours to … - у спасателей не было несколько часов,
закончить спасательные работы - complete the rescue work,
построить паром из пневматических понтонов от судна до судна - to build a ferry out of
pneumatic pontoons from the ship to the ship,
спасти людей в такой аварийной ситуации - save people in such an emergency situation,,
ликвидировать пожар на судне - put out the fire on the ship..
4. Найдите пары синонимов:
Sea – marine To search – to look for
Assistance – help To start – to begin
Rescue – salvage The chief – the head
To get – to receive To wreck – to damage
To offer – all to finish to suggest To complete – the whole

5. Переведите на английский:
1. If the pilots of the Canadian Coast Guard have not done everything we could, the crew would not have been saved. 2. If the Danish sailors have not had a lot of help in finding people in the water, the crew would not have been saved. 3. If it was not stormy weather and very low air and water temperature, all members of the crew would have been saved.


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4. Stated that the unemployment rate has exceeded expected forecasts.5. thinks that he will consult our lawyers on this issue.8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме: If I saw him yesterday, I would give him your recommendations.If your instructions had been received earlier, the goods would been sent in time.You will pass the exam tomorrow if you prepare well.If we received the documents tomorrow, we would start loading the goods on Monday.If my colleague had time now, he could help us with the business plan. 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык: 1. If I knew the address, I would have sent a fax before.2. If it is checked the records better, the chief accountant would trust her.3. If you decide that question tomorrow, we will send you a price - list immediately.4. It is a pity that this report is so complex.5. It is a pity that the container had a lot of spoiled goods.10. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:I said to him, “Please, translate this sentence.” He said, “Our company spends much money for charity.”She asked, “When do you want the goods to be supplied?”The manager asked, “Will you open the letter of credit?”Mr. Brown asked, “Did you come here yesterday?” Лексическая частьПрочитайте и переведите текст:When the SOS Was of No Avail“The Baltic Shipping Company and the Chief Marine Inspectorate received a report on February15, that cargo had started shifting on the deck of the m/s “Mekhanik Tarasov” in a fierce storm, with waves reaching 10-12 m in height and a wind of over 30 mps /meters per second/”,Bronislav Mainagashev, head of the Inspectorate, said.“The waves smashed and carried off two lower deck ventilators and water rushed into the holds. The ship heeled to starboard.“The waves then wrecked the helmport pipe gasket so that the water began penetrating the helmstock section, damaging the steering machinery. The pumps could not cope with the water already in the hold. The ship heeled over to an unnatural 50 angle.“This happened 260 miles eastwards of Newfoundland.“It is hard to imagine here, on land, the situation at sea at the time”, Captain Gennady Leontyev, who spent 20 years in marine salvage operations, said.“The ships got hidden by the crests of the waves, but the seamen managed to save people in the water even in these conditions. We are especially grateful to the Danish seamen, who offered an example of genuine sea comradeship. They fished the freezing people out of the water. Their small ship was being tossed about like a splinter of wood, but it didn’t leave the people in distress.We asked the Captain if there was any realistic opportunity for saving the whole crew.“There was not, taking into account the weather as it was and the lack of special salvage ships,” said the Captain with difficulty.” The water temperature was +2 to +3 C and the air temperature 6 to 8 C below zero. In such conditions a person can survive in water no more than 3-5 minutes because of exposure. This was one of the most tragic operations in 20 years. Both the seamen in distress and their attempted rescuers did all that could be done. But they didn’t have the few hours needed to complete the operation and, in particular, to build a ferry out of pneumatic pontoons from the “Ivan Dvorsky” to the “Mekhanik Tarasov”.“The pilots of the Canadian coast guard gave us great assistance in searching for the seamen in the water.”The seamen’s sense of mutual assistance made it possible to save, even in such an emergency, the lives of several “Mekhanik Tarasov” crewmen.Когда сигнал помощи не помогаетБалтийской судостроительной компании и главной морской инспекции поступило сообщение 15 Февраля, что груз начал переход на палубе м / с" Механик Тарасов "в сильный шторм волны достигают 10-12 м в высоту и ветер свыше 30 ОББ / метров в секунду / ", Бронислав Майнагашев, руководитель инспекции, сказал."Волны разбили и растащили два нижних вентилятора палубы и вода хлынула в трюмы. Корабль накренился на правый борт."Волны затем разрушили трубы прокладку румпеля таким образом, чтобы вода начала проникать в секцию румпель, повреждения рулевого механизма. Насосы не могли справиться с водой уже в трюме. Корабль накренился к свыше 50 градусов."Это произошло в 260 милях к востоку от Ньюфаундленда."Трудно представить себе здесь, на земле, ситуация на море в то время", капитан Геннадий Леонтьев, который провел 20 лет в морских спасательных операций, сказал."Корабли получили серьезные повреждения волнами, но морякам удалось спасти людей в воде, даже в этих условиях. Мы особенно благодарны датским морякам, которые предложили пример подлинного морского товарищества. Они ловили рыбу. Их небольшое судно в настоящее время метался как заноза из дерева, но она не оставляла людей в беде.Мы спросили капитана, есть ли реальная возможность для спасения всего экипажа."Там не было, принимая во внимание погоду, как это было и отсутствие специальных спасательных судов," сказал капитан с трудом. "Температура воды была +2 до +3 C и температуре окружающего воздуха от 6 до 8 С ниже нуля. В таких условиях человек может выжить в воде не более 3-5 минут из-за воздействия. Это была одна из самых трагических операций в 20 лет.

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* Категория работы носит оценочный характер в соответствии с качественными и количественными параметрами предоставляемого материала. Данный материал ни целиком, ни любая из его частей не является готовым научным трудом, выпускной квалификационной работой, научным докладом или иной работой, предусмотренной государственной системой научной аттестации или необходимой для прохождения промежуточной или итоговой аттестации. Данный материал представляет собой субъективный результат обработки, структурирования и форматирования собранной его автором информации и предназначен, прежде всего, для использования в качестве источника для самостоятельной подготовки работы указанной тематики.
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