
The importance of business communication and speech etiquette for the staff of travel agencies

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The importance of business communication and speech etiquette for the staff of travel agencies ...


The importance of business communication and speech etiquette for the staff of travel agencies


The importance of business communication and speech etiquette for the staff of travel agencies

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As we know from a great amount of marketing researches – a customer, satisfied with the received service, will give positive response to 5 people, but unsatisfied customer will give negative response to 10 people. So, travel agency managers need to follow the rules of speech etiquette carefully if they don’t want to create a bad image for their company and influence sales rating. Otherwise, customers won’t be eager to buy tours in the company with impolite managers and doubtful reputation.However, all mentioned above is just one side of coin. But for the communication of travel agency’s manager with the customers, there is also communication between business partners like tour operating companies, transfer arranging companies, hotels and airlines. Travel agencies and their partners need to solve lots of difficult taks during the day and they need to keep in touch regularly. Moreover, sometimes the atmosphere can become a bit nervous because of cancelled flights or mistakes in hotel bookings and staff of both communicating sides might be stressed. Anyway, they should try their best to keep calm and friendly to each other. Business communication doesn’t allow any rudeness or impoliteness towards the partner and this is truly fair. Negative communication can spoil long-term partnership and bring bad reputation among business operators that will make further work and business relations complicated and even ruined. It is obvious that this factor can have a strong impact on the company’s profit in future.Business communication also can be referred to the communication between senior managers and staff. Rudeness and impoliteness are unacceptable in communication between colleagues, otherwise it can lead to uncomfortable atmosphere in the office and travel agency managers will be stressed because of negative emotions in the office instead of paying more attention to the work.

Список литературы

Список использованных источников
1. Руденко А.М., Довгалёва М.А. Психология социально-культурного сервиса и туризма. Учебное пособие для ВУЗов. - Ростов-на-Дону: «Феникс», 2015.
2. Шейнов В.П. Психология и этика делового контакта. - Минск, 2012.
3. Биржаков М.Б. Введение в туризм. – СПб.: Герда, 2015.
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