
Обучение аудированию на анг.языке в системе дистанционного обучения (на основе текстов по теме

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Imagine that you are going to present a new Russian high-speed train to compete with Sapsan trains. Think how to attact your customers and describe the peculiarities of your comfortable cars. Make a speech using this information about Sapsan trains and ideas from the video (Представьте, что вы собираетесь открыть новый русский скоростной поезд, который составит конкуренцию Сапсану. Подумайте, как привлечь клиентов, и опишите ваши комфортабельные вагоны. Составьте речь, используя информацию о поездах Сапсан и идеи из видео сюжета).
Sapsan known as Velaro RUS EVS by Siemens is a Russian gauge high speed train in Russia. The design is part of the Siemens Velaro family. The trains started regular service on the Moscow – Saint Petersburg Railway in December 2009 at a maximum speed of 250 km/h.


Разработка «India Uses Railway as a Mobile Science Classroom»

Упражнения до прослушивания
1. Read the transcription of these words and try to write their correct spelling (Прочитайте слова по транскрипции и подумайте о том, как они правильно пишутся).
['reɪlweɪ], ['pæs(ə)nʤə], ['juːtɪlaɪz], ['jʌŋ(k)stə], ['mekənɪz(ə)m], [ə'weənəs], [ˌeksɪ'bɪʃ(ə)n], ['saɪən(t)s]
2. Choose the correct translation for the word in italics (Выберите подходящий перевод для слов, выделенных курсивом).
1) He wanted to provide his family with all the necessary facilities, he had to work hard.
a) обеспечить b) приобрести c) устроить
2) This fast train can take you to the remotest corners of the world in no time.
a) дальний b) далекий c) отдаленный
3) This train stops in several locations and new passengerscan get on.
a) местностях b) районах c) местах
4) This railway network stretches all over the country.
a) тянется b) растягивается c) вытягивается
5) It is important to reverse the processes that damage our environment.
a) отразить b) обратить вспять c) развернуть
6) Not everybody gets this rare opportunity to study in a prestigious international college.
a) эксклюзивный b) исключительный c) редкий


Разработка «Passenger Railway Cars»
1. Match these types of railway cars with their description (Сопоставьте данные виды вагонов с их описаниями).
A dining car A passenger car for day travel
An observation car A car with meals
A disco car A car with two floors
A parlour car A usual car with rows of seats
A double deck car A car with beds of one kind or another
A cinema car A car with good scenery views
A standard-gauge car A car with music and space for dancing
A sleeping car A car where you can watch films

2. Listen to the text and say in what order the cars from Exercise 1 are mentioned in the recording (Прослушайте текст и скажите, в каком порядке в нем упоминаются виды вагонов из Упражнения 1).

3. Listen to the text again and say if the following statements are true or false (Прослуш айте текст снова и определите, верны или нет данные утверждения).
1. Passenger cars are also called coaches.
2. Standard-gauge cars can be fitted with tables.
3. Passenger cars can take the electricity supply only from one main source.
4. Modern cars still do not have air-conditioning.
5. Cars with variations also exist, but they are not used for long journeys.
6. Observation cars are used for scientific purposes.
7. Sleeping cars are fitted with small bedrooms.
8. Connection with gangways is hardly ever used today.
9. Many multiple unit trains consist of cars which are semi-permanently coupled into sets.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

1) Pandya likes to spread knowledge among children.2) Pandya likes to teach art and languages.3) People are interested in science and the world around them.4) There are 40 postgraduates on this train.5) The train traveled throughout India during six months from April to September. 6) The train never stops in the capital and only visits small villages7) The train always attracts a lot of attention.4. Listen till the words “… and science principles” and fill in the gaps (Прослушайте следующий отрывок и заполните пропуски в предложениях).More than ___ million people have visited the mobile exhibition. This project was launched in ____ to attract young people back to science. Department of ______ and ______ needed to find a way to reverse the growing disinterest in the field. The Indian railway network is so _____ that it is the largest network in the world. The train stops at each station for _____ to ______ days and young people have a chance to take part in different scientific experiments.5. Listen till the end of the text and choose the correct variant (Прослушайте текст до конца и выберите вариант ответа по содержанию текста). 1) For some/most/all of these children, this is a rare opportunity to learn beyond the four walls of their classroom.2) Seeing their interest/reaction/passion motivates educators like Pandya.3) Pandya says that he didn’t have/had similar experience in his childhood.4) The Science Express train is making its way through western/central/eastern India, with stops planned in West Bengal and Orissa states in June/July/August. 5) The moving exhibit will probably attract its 9/10/11 millionth visitor by the end of this year.Упражнения после прослушивания1. Fill in the gaps with a/the/- (Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо).__ India's railway system is one of __ largest and busiest in __ world. But it is not just for __ passengers. The Indian government is utilizing __ this vast network to provide children in ___ remotest corners of ___ country with ___ moving classroom. __ Raghav Pandya loves __ science, so much so, that he spends six months out of the year on __ this train to help share __ his passion with __ youngsters across India. 2. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb (Раскройте скобки, употребляя верную грамматическую форму глагола).Pandya (be) one of 40 postgraduates who (make) the Science Express train their home as it (travel) 19,000 kilometers throughout India from April to October of this year. The train (stop) at 62 different locations, (include) here in the Indian capital, where hundreds of students (line up) to get their chance to see exhibits focusing on biodiversity, conservation and climate change. More than 8.5 million people (visit) the mobile exhibition - a project that India’s prime minister (launch) in 2007 to attract young people back to science.The train (stop) at each station for three to four days and young people (have) a chance to take part in the hands-on laboratory where educators (help) them conduct experiments.

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